Feedback: Domination World - Sandbox 10


Bonjour ,

Ce sera mon premier beta, petite question: l'application sous ios fonctionne t-elle en beta?


Zlatan we speak english there not french , and yes the mobile app works on every servers

And cheating exist from the beginning .

And choosing an area for domination force people to fight together and avoir them to found towns.

It's still better than wonders where biggest players turn back their mind and change side at the last moment even if they are in different sea.


Hi guys my first feedback is the next one :

Putting the server in peacetime after an allianwe win is a BIG BIG BIG Mistake really and for many reasons.

Firstly what's the point to have a server where you can't fight? useless

Secondly : big accounts and old servers are mainly usefull to keep players on the game , many players stay tuned on their old account on an ended world just to wait the next interesting server , or just because he workd hard for this and after the end of the world maybe would like to have fun with what he build in the server.

furthermore : the winner get bonus for recruitment and battle points that should last 2 weeks , but what's the point to get it if the world is in peacetime? and close 14 days after the end of domination

Why not just keeping the last rule? which say that the server close under 300 players
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where are the starter packages? i miss them or dont they exist on the beta :favor:


Seems bp is 3 days, not 7.
I actually prefer that. 7 days bp in beta is far too long.


Server started on august 23 ,around 12:00 . 3 days passed , and still we have beginners protection . Did I miss something ? Or I am just too sleepy? :))


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
The server opened less than 48h hours ago, I'm not really surprised that players are stil under Beginner's Protection :)


Night bonus & morale enabled.....
So we get another world for ...... builders ?????

  • Fast = 3 months
  • Game speed: 6
So I assume in 3 to 4.5 months domination era will start... (assuming Speed 6 factor = 0.5 or 0.75 in worst scenario)

So what is the motivation to start over on a server with such small expected life time??? Knowing that in 6, 7, 8... 10 months it will end???

Hi Gala^^

this short lifetime of servers will be normal with new endgame^^

i think its because inno want us to play more worlds = more startphase = more spending Money on that more start phases


Nobody spends real money on this game ,at least I am not :D You need skills ,not money ;) And a lot of free time ,that's all .


Nobody spends real money on this game ,at least I am not :D You need skills ,not money ;) And a lot of free time ,that's all .

i totally says yes to this but i think inno want to change this^^

and lorenzou in pandorra event there was money also a component^^

i reached and opened box 44 and i was only second becaus number one did the same and 6 ghost of 45 but he spend 170 to do this^^ i only 40^^


Hi everybody , i would like to ask @* Arci * , on devblog they speak about smallest wonders with specials bonus given to the alliance that reach level 10 , but i feel that it will not gonna be implemented into the sandbox 10 , can you give us more informations about it?


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
Hi everybody , i would like to ask @* Arci * , on devblog they speak about smallest wonders with specials bonus given to the alliance that reach level 10 , but i feel that it will not gonna be implemented into the sandbox 10 , can you give us more informations about it?

It is an idea that will most likely get implemented later as it requires an additional rework of the World Wonders, that isn't ready yet :)


Thank you for the answdr , yes i understand it will need time to find the good requirements to make it reachable


Registrations will be closed once the domination era will begin.

If this world will closed for new registrations and Sandbox 8 is closed for Registration concerning Word Wonder Time than Beta Has Not so much Open worlds, have it?


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
It's never been much common to have 4 or more open worlds at the same time on beta (as we had until this morning).

You're right, we'll have 2 only as soon as zz10 will close for registrations, buuuut we already have something planned ;)


Can we please get some feedback from the CM on how he and the devs feel the game is progressing here in Sandbox 10.

Is it going along just as you thought it would? Have you been surprised at all by anything the players and/or alliances have done?