Feedback: Domination World - Sandbox 10


Some time ago, we have asked for the reason of this peacetime: The reason is to say good bye to all the other, to search for a new world to play together or to swap contact adresses for the next time ingame.


Some time ago, we have asked for the reason of this peacetime: The reason is to say good bye to all the other, to search for a new world to play together or to swap contact adresses for the next time ingame.

and this isn´t possible until normal fighting???? And Contact adresses are usually exchanged a lot earlier or not?^^

congratulation to Dominators

I use to stay until the closing of the worlds ... but there, what is the interest of a week without a fight ? without being able to take city ?

that can only answer Inno (but i don´t know if its a good answer^^)

for me more interesting would be if there was in that week a big fight (like Bernard thought that would happen) or if it was more boring.


and this isn´t possible until normal fighting???? And Contact adresses are usually exchanged a lot earlier or not?^^
Sometimes yes and sometimes no. I guess, it is on yours, what you are like to do. Due to the fact, that there is no timer for the player, you didn't know exactly, when the last fight would finished and so in that case world should closed suddenly and it is really a normal human mistake,to do a lot things at the end or if there is no other possibilty.
On the other hand, you do not have sign up anymore, because nothing will happen during the last 14 days.

for me more interesting would be if there was in that week a big fight (like Bernard thought that would happen) or if it was more boring.
Excuse me? could you explain this please?


Bernard said (or better expected) in the dev-blog that the last stand will be very
exciting, because all other allies will surely attack the number one ally, so he thought that there would be a big fight.

i want to know if these were happend in LS or if it was a boring week without any fights.


I guess the Sandbox 10 is not comparable to normal worlds. That was pimped a bit to have a larger area available.
How it works on normal worlds will only become apparent in the course of the next worlds.


Due to my mind, there should be another text with regards to peace time, as like the dove picture says.

Mouse Over Domination ended.JPG
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Community Manager
Grepolis Team
Due to my mind, there should be another text with regards to peace time, as like the dove picture says.

View attachment 577
Uhm... that's true, but how would you phrase it then?

In fact, being in the final stage doesn't mean that the island is no longer valid... nothing is wrong on the text, maybe it becomes kind of outdated though :)


Uhm... that's true, but how would you phrase it then?
One possibilty could be to use the text from the domination window witch says:
"The world is now in peace under the rule of DOMINATORS, no battle can be fought.
This world will close on 00:00:00 04/01/2019"


I guess the Sandbox 10 is not comparable to normal worlds. That was pimped a bit to have a larger area available.
How it works on normal worlds will only become apparent in the course of the next worlds.

YEP but take a look at some of the actual NORMAL Domi worlds.

NL with an HUGE HUGE lead by Ally number one

or EN

where the top 5 Allys already agreed to work together to win, so that worlds winner is clear after 2 months or 2 and a half???

Problem will always be (imo^^):

Fighting against the Numer one Ally leaves thema with more Bashies so more slots which increase the gap from one to two
if the number one ally is not sleeping the conquer with that slots new towns and keep there lead with easy
and Ok larger Area is a point but what wil happen when this Area is decreased? Some acive Player that are not in Ally 1 will see "oh no some of my Towns don´t be valid for Domi" and the will think they have no Chance to win and leave that worlds. That will lead to Ghosties or conquering Towns from inactive players.

And THIS is surely a lot but not a interesting endgame.
As player on NL-domi world I like the smaller area because it's a fact that there are not so many players on a world and a big area would mean that some alliances will go to the rim and be almost out of harms way.
Yes on NL the overpowering from one alliance is hughs but they are the number one of the world already from month two that the world opened.

Most of other alliances ware to afright to attack them serious and when they finaly realist it, they ware to big and powerfull to stop.
Last stand is not called out yet but the gape is so big towards the others that even if the alliances move together they can easely hold the stand.


As player on NL-domi world I like the smaller area because it's a fact that there are not so many players on a world and a big area would mean that some alliances will go to the rim and be almost out of harms way.
Yes on NL the overpowering from one alliance is hughs but they are the number one of the world already from month two that the world opened.

Most of other alliances ware to afright to attack them serious and when they finaly realist it, they ware to big and powerfull to stop.
Last stand is not called out yet but the gape is so big towards the others that even if the alliances move together they can easely hold the stand.

is the domi area on Rizina smaller than on zz10?