Feedback: Domination World - Sandbox 10


Divine Envoy
How about those wonders with these awesome buffs, when will they be implemented? (will they even be implemented?)
Night bonus & morale enabled.....
So we get another world for ...... builders ?????

What are the Dominanzsettings?
slow, regular or fast.
When does the dominance phase start?

  • Fast = 3 months
  • Game speed: 6
So I assume in 3 to 4.5 months domination era will start... (assuming Speed 6 factor = 0.5 or 0.75 in worst scenario)

So what is the motivation to start over on a server with such small expected life time??? Knowing that in 6, 7, 8... 10 months it will end???


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
It wouldn't make much sense to start the Domination era in 4 months, that's why it will start definitely sooner. Approximately in ~50 days. If you want to build, you should do it rather quick ;)


Hello Arci long time since our last chat , i have a question , what will be the duration of a conquest?

Because i remind french speed 6 server were 8hours conquest , and to be honest it was too long for o so quick server.

Then in greek market i found a server speed 4 with 6 hours conquest and it's awesome.

I think people would like to know this information.

Is that possible for you to provide this information to us?


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
Yes, the general rule is 24/Game_Speed but 24/6 would make sieges last for 4 hours only... we raised it to 6 hours :)


Yeaaaaaah Perfect my friend , yes of course 4h hour is too short really , and as we experienced on FR100 , 8hours were too long for conquest , it mean that the whole server were able to send attack to break any conquest , and with flying you could join ANY point of the server

This is so cool


I love it , and i believe that we will have a really huge incoming.

I don't know if it's possible but i believe it could be a really international server this time , most of market have players experienced and who want to play on a speed 6 server.

It should be nice to send an announcment in Game in classic market i think to advertise people about this test world and try to make the domination test and adjustments faster.

More player we will have , faster will be the tests


This serveur is just ... Wouaw !
One question : How lang is conquest ?


I think there are a lot of cons. Despite the fact, that it also has some proses. The main pros that are time for the world ending will be reduced. And I also would like to notice that developers had taken into the consideration a lot of mistakes that were in the first announcement.

But, this new ENDGAME will give chances for cheating.

1. OK. First of all, it may overshadow the war. Because the whole game will be developed into the "who base new cities, making the BPs on twinks and making new cities, new cities, and more new cities! ". No war. Just base new cities in the valid domination area and do making BPs anyway.

2. About the "valid domination area". What is this? How does it work? Let's say we have the world where only is 4 central oceans are full-populated.

And we also have in this world populated 0, 9, 90, 99 oceans. What about them? Will this oceans stretch this "valid domination area"? Or this area will be available only for the 4 central oceans? Because if so, then it doesn't make a sense for others oceans. They will be unnecessary.
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And it also has a lot of moments that give chances to cheating. :(