Your impressions so far.

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Das neue Design ist spitze und auch die Ladezeiten konnten teilweise (so gut man das mit grade mal einer Ministadt beurteilen kann) verringert werden.

Dennoch sollte man nicht komplett vom gewohnten Design abrücken. Ich vermisse z.B. ganz extrem die Leiste in der Stadtübersicht, mit Truppen und Truppenbewegungen, dem Handel, den göttlichen Kräften und der Möglichkeit Gebäude aufzubauen / einzureissen.

Wäre es nicht möglich diese rechts mittig wieder zu platzieren?
Das würde viele unnötige Klicke vermeiden.

Ich befürchte auch, dass sehr viele Spieler ziemlich von der neuen Version abgeschreckt werden.
Mischt das neue mit dem alten und es wird richtig gut.


The new design is awesome. The time you need to open new windows got better, so far you can judge this with only one "city".

But I think it's not so good to leave everything from the present design behind you. The Display in the city overview is missing. I can't see the units, the city commands in one display and even the spells or the option to build new structures is missing.

Isn't it possible to place this at the right hand in the middle of the screen? To avoide such many hits as there are actually.

There will also be a huge ammount of grepolis-users, that would not arrive at grepolis 2.0, cause they prefer the present version. Interfere between the present version 1.26 and 2.0 to get a good mix of both of them.
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At first I thought the design was great but I have changed my mind. I liked the old design better, you have a better overview of the troops in the town, now you have to click on the overview bar. It will be hopeless when you nearly 40 towns which I have on one server. Perhaps if you connect it to the bar with resources and the God and always have it opened it would be better.
Another thing, that is probably not finished yet is the time for the returning forces. Right now you see when they arrive but not when they return.


Once you have several windows, the ones you have already open stay open but changes the city.

For instance if i'm one city and changes city, the information window is still open (senate for exemple) but you wont have to close it and re open it to know what is on the other city, it loads its caracteristics itself so no need to click for that ;)


I love it. Only thing i hate is not seeing your troops on a sidebar, you have to squint to see the little bar. Plus if your getting attacked, i dont like how there is no big attack thing saying your getting attacked. I am ussually the attacke and i forget how much attacks i send out, and incoming attacks are just a little one coming at you. Those are the only things i dont like


Once you have several windows, the ones you have already open stay open but changes the city.

For instance if i'm one city and changes city, the information window is still open (senate for exemple) but you wont have to close it and re open it to know what is on the other city, it loads its caracteristics itself so no need to click for that ;)

It is a nice idea but not so easy to implement... in the old version each menu had its own page and all you needed to do to swap cities is to change the town id. Here you sent request for a menu to be open, and that is why you can open multiple menus. But for the already open windows to change it will require something to store your requests, then when you chose to change city to close them and reopen the new ones. Its hard to implement and it will increase the server load dramatically. I have just one city still and I am not really sure how it behaves but you should be able to open different senates as you scroll by your cities and then go back and review the windows. Or at least that will be easier to be done.


No but i'm telling that it is how it works ^^ You can trust me I have 3 cities

But it is trus that sometimes you wanna have the view of different cities at once. However there is an option to do that=> administrator


or you open a second tab and than you select what you want, but before 2.0 i could mark a town on the map and than open 15 tabs with different towns who i only needed to select the marked town and sent the attack


Ye I can explain you why too. This is how a targeted town looks like in pre 2.0 servers.The URL is smt like
The bold is the id of the town you target and the underline is the id of your current town. When you switch a town, you just remain on the same page but switch the underline part with the id of your other city.

In 2.0 you don't go through different URL. You just get in and that is it. From that point on you sent requests for new windows to be opened. It can't change like it did in 1.x


I don't like that you can't open a town on another tab. I have managed to get two towns now here and I have to switch between towns, it is OK when you have few towns.
But on the server I am playing I plan to soon take my 40th town. We are at full war and is attacked or attacking daily. Say if of this 40 towns I have attacks on 7 of them. I could just open up 7-8 tabs with the towns that is under attack and 8 or more cities that I can either send support or attack back with. Not being able to do that will kill all the fun for me and just make it harder to manage, don't know if I will have strength for that. :unhappy:


I really don't like the new farming sytsem!!!
The Loot and Troop part of the new system is OK (I like that i don't have to send soldiers), but the demand part is... If i want to maximise the exploitation of the farms, then i have to click on them in every 5 minutes.
And it is not fun!
If i have villages at 6 islands, i can spend a whole day only with clicking on the farms to get resources. I hope that you will change this system before you lunch Grepolis 2.0 on the normal servers.


Betsy, good job, this is starting to look amazing. Next version you should consider making the city overview more animated! Most of the stuff works exceptionally well aside from some minor bugs, but overall, love it !


I guess it's ok

I like the layout but all the extra windows are annoying, I cant wait to see what it's like to attack people.

and apart from all the multi language stuff it seems like everything else is working fine except the minor bugs and stuff

Keep up the good work


Everything is EPIC but I don't Like the new Player Rankings...


Betsy, good job, this is starting to look amazing. Next version you should consider making the city overview more animated! Most of the stuff works exceptionally well aside from some minor bugs, but overall, love it !

I'm glad you like it. But it's the Product Manager and the developers who get all the credit for the game. I just try to keep up with managing this community. :wink:


The farming system is very tedious

The farming system in Grepolis 1 is tedious. Farming 20 or 30 cities is almost a full time work.

The farming system in Grepolis 2.0 seems to be even worse. It seems that the best farming strategy involves clicking a few buttons every 5 minutes for a horribly long time.

I am now stopping to test the beta because of the extremely much work involved in playing.

Grepolis was supposed to be a war game, not a click-ten-times-per-five-minutes-for-an-eternity game.


I really don't like the new farming sytsem!!!
The Loot and Troop part of the new system is OK (I like that i don't have to send soldiers), but the demand part is... If i want to maximise the exploitation of the farms, then i have to click on them in every 5 minutes.
And it is not fun!
If i have villages at 6 islands, i can spend a whole day only with clicking on the farms to get resources. I hope that you will change this system before you lunch Grepolis 2.0 on the normal servers.

I have to agree about the problem with Demand. The way this is set up doesn't really take into consideration the mentality of players. If you want to be at the top then you have to click more often on those farming villages.

Right now on a speed 1 world you would get twice as many resources for clicking demand on your farms every 20 minutes as you would get for clicking every 80 minutes and even worse for the longer times. If you don't want everyone sitting there clicking demand 24 hours a day you need to eliminate this disparity otherwise the tedium really will be much worse than the old system where at least you could do all your farming just once or twice a day for each polis and get the maximum possible resources.

If you set it up so you can demand as often or as little as you like and get the same amount of resources then you will have the best of both worlds. One click farming once or twice a day. For looting I think you should do the same.

Otherwise I think the setup for the farming system is fantastic and a big improvement over the old system. I especially like the fact that it encourages new players to build troops and learn how to match them up against their target correctly.


Oh and when I say you should get the maximum resources no matter how often you click I mean the maximum should be what you get when you click the most often right now. Early on that will mean less active game play but I think the easy solution to that is to shorten or even eliminate beginner protection at least on some world's. I think that would fit better with the earlier, faster and more numerous troop production you have in the new version anyway.


One word... WOW!

... OK, can I really only leave it at one word. Well, I'm pretty darned impressed overall with the 2.0 system... I figure I have to start off with the good, I really am intrigued with the new farming system. I think it will add a great new dimension to the beginning of the game, allowing the players to interact with each other sooner to upgrade the farms together.

One little thing that I don't like about it has to do with the mapping... let me say first that I LOVE how BIG it is, yet on the zoomed-out version there is no grid system in place to differentiate one ocean from another. Ooo, plus the itty-bitty sections of ocean look all un-rendered or unfinished to say the least... I understand it's beta, so - I guess I can give 'em a break. Though it does sorta make it hard to tell what color some of the little city dots are. =\
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So are we supposed to try to crash this game or just find the bugs? I've beta tested QuickBooks releases for Intuit and several other accounting software programs. I'm the Queen of Crash in that area. LOL

I really like the new farming system, although I echo the thoughts about the clicking every five minutes to get maximum resources. It simply does not make sense. Of course, I'm trying work out the perfect balance between looting and demanding resources.

There are a few areas that still pop up in German, but I'm sure that will be ironed out as they go. I can understand what I'm reading so it doesn't bother me too much.

I wish the screens that pop up, like the senate & barracks didn't did not cover the resources in the upper right because it annoys me, but I just drag the screen out of they way.

I'm not sure about those little notifications that pop up on the lower right. It took me a little while to figure out that I can kill them.
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