Feedback: Anti-Spam attack prevention


Divine Envoy
This will never be an "anti-spam" as you call it! The only think your new system does is destroying good players! There is not many players who knows how to attack! Do you have any idea how many times you need to send and cancel to hit a good timing? And all that in a few seconds! Now i have to count not to go over 11 cancels! Regulary i was able to do at least 15 cancels in 20 seconds! You guys created sirens and that made me even happier cause i though i would be able to cancel and send many many more times! BUT NO!! Ofc not, you decided to create this system to "Prevent" spam! So funny! Hope you delete this tragic system soon before i leave this game! As @timazz said i know so many players who will leave this game forever if you don't delete this system!


This will never be an "anti-spam" as you call it! The only think your new system does is destroying good players! There is not many players who knows how to attack! Do you have any idea how many times you need to send and cancel to hit a good timing? And all that in a few seconds! Now i have to count not to go over 11 cancels! Regulary i was able to do at least 15 cancels in 20 seconds! You guys created sirens and that made me even happier cause i though i would be able to cancel and send many many more times! BUT NO!! Ofc not, you decided to create this system to "Prevent" spam! So funny! Hope you delete this tragic system soon before i leave this game! As @timazz said i know so many players who will leave this game forever if you don't delete this system!
Hello @IsThatHim?,
as we stated before, this prevention is in the phase of testing. You can imagine it as some "beta version" of this prevention. We are constantly gathering feedback and trying to adjust the rules so it's fair for everyone and to serve its purpose. It is really complex thing to do so please have patience. :)
Well if the problem is with the attack alarm (I assume of the app) going on every couple of seconds then the solution is to put an option to either disable it or customize it (change tune, volume).

The solution is not to limit the attacks.

After all if this is supposed to be a "simulation game" as well, then it is normal in the army to give an order and cancel it so as to confuse your enemy....

Unless the problem is with the actual server hardware like a CoMa of a market had claimed some time ago and he (and his team) punish people for doing attacks to other players!!!!! (Like a DoS attack). If this is the case then Inno needs to tell us so and find a completely different approach to solve the issue. Because at the end of the game this is a game based on sending attacks!!!! Same way as it is TribalWars!!!

Grepolis is not the Forge Of Empires where the game philosophy is completely different!!!

And the fact that we have to send and cancel attacks is a consequence of the main principal of Grepolis of NOT providing exact arrival time of an attack (like Inno does on Tribal Wars). That is the reason why we make the tries.... because the game itself force as to do SO !!!

It is not that we want to stay in front of the screen trying to sync an attack.... it is one of the game main functions that make us do so!!!

Limiting attacks in any way just cancels the game it self in many ways!!!

You can not cancel a thing that you are selling me.... it makes no sense!!!! Because at the end of the day what grepolis is selling me is the fact that I can send attacks to others!!!!

I would not complain about that attack limit if there were any sense or logic in it, if it really were some kind of spam prevention - which it clearly is not. Even with that limit, players can spend all night launching (and cancelling) 11 attacks from each of their cities and start all over again after that - and you can even target the same player or even the same city all night long without triggering those "automatic consequences".

And even worse: The new "rule" implies that such behaviour is okay, as long as you don´t send 12 attacks within 60 seconds from each city.

I would really appreciate any explanation for the implementation of that utterly useless limitation. Somebody must have had some thoughts about it. If so, could you please share them?


Calydonian Boar
Is there any good feedback so far? I can only see people complaining and one weirdo wanting to lower it to 20seconds (laughable at best).It seems it doesn't work, so why you keep it? A whole month passed, no positive feedback, tell your backend to remove it. The only way to stop spammers is if many players report someone with other way around it


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
Thank you everyone for sharing your feedback on this first iteration of the spam attack prevention.

The team agreed to temporarily disable the current system while working on an improved one that will be released next year.

Topolino 98

This system has been just relased in Italy, it will start from March 1st

I was against it a few months ago and still am, i think it will not limit spam very much, but it will limit the timing of attacks/supports a lot.
Before starting to time movements, usually playes do 1-2 attempts to set the filter, then any player who makes more than 9-10 attempts will risk being blocked by this system.

Feedbacks from a few months ago has not been listened to:(
The team agreed to temporarily disable the current system while working on an improved one that will be released next year.

I wonder what has been "improved" now - the announcement in Italy states the same nonsense (sorry, I still cannot find a more polite expression for it) as last year´s announcement here on Beta.


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
The system is still the same, but as far as I know, since the Italian market was having some problems with many players spam attacking, we wanted to give it a try there.

At the moment the development team is working on other topics so we shouldn't expect the revisited system to be released in a short time frame, but we still want to do that at some point in the future.

Also, there isn't any plan to enable it worldwide at the current state, no worries about that :p


Yeah, no worries at all since it doesn't affect my server. Thank you, Italian players for being the first sacrifice. If enough people quit your servers, you can rest in peace knowing it wasn't in vain.

0 lelu

Divine Envoy
The only result obtained in the Italian servers with the implementation of this attack limit is that the top players are now looking for new foreign servers ...