What if we had a way to deal with flash spam?


I think every one of us struggled with flash spam in Grepolis. There were discussions how to prevent it but GPC never really found an answer. One good idea was to be able to delay alarm - but it was turned down because on high speed server even a small delay would mean that enemy will "cs you".

That's when I stopped and said - let's do it. What if every player had an option to delay the alarm by certain amount of seconds or ignore certain players? They could use it in time of need (getting flash spammed) or even as regular PC attack alarm (with delay set to 0s).

After almost one week of solving this problem, first solution came up. An alarm that can actually ignore players or delay the sound of it. Please note that sadly no one was able to approve it so we are still talking about not approved script.

Why I did this?
The reason is simple. I played many server watching my teammates getting flash spammed which result in quitting. I don't want this. Players or more like spammers abusing this "hole" in game should not be allowed to do it.
There is reason behind this. What is the reason one might not see from the start? I wanted to show that this problem is solvable and can be implemented really quickly even with a few Grepolis developers. This script applies just for desktop version of the game but I am sure mobile feature wouldn't be a problem either. And if it may look like a problem, it's what we developers do - we solve problems.
So why am I writing this? If @Arci would allow, I would like some developer to see my script and approve/not approve it so players can stop flash spammers at least with this method. The whole script has but a one purpose - trigger sound of alarm based on some conditions. And also with @Arci's blessing, I would be happy if he delivered this message or more like idea to product manager and developers to discuss if it would be a good idea for implementation.
Some preview? I attached screen from settings - the script was made here in Beta server. I'd like there to add condition based on city which is attacking you (so if city A was ignored and a player would attack from this city A, alarm wouldn't trigger) and condition based on player's points (so players below for example 1.000 would be ignored). Everything depends on a user. If the user wants to ignore player A, city B or just delay alarm, it would be his own will with keeping in mind that - as every tool might do - it might fail.

If you agree or disagree with this idea please let me know. After all I'm just a guy who loves this game and tries to make it better.



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Community Manager
Grepolis Team
Hey, that's indeed an interesting contribution.

Unfortunately I cannot decide myself what is approved and what is not. I don't think it ever happened that a player wrote some code and devs copy-pasted it in the game source (that's not really a good practice anyway :p) but I can forward your idea :)


Unfortunately I cannot decide myself what is approved and what is not. I don't think it ever happened that a player wrote some code and devs copy-pasted it in the game source (that's not really a good practice anyway
Of course, I just wanted to show that there is a way to make it easier for players because flash spam is real problem for a long time :)

Finrod Felagund

Divine Envoy
This is a must-have. I am still amazed that the functionality to deactivate alarm for a list of players (like the way you can block private message of some players) has still not be developped when anybody that plays Grepolis knows how much damage the flash spam has done on this game...


This is a must-have. I am still amazed that the functionality to deactivate alarm for a list of players (like the way you can block private message of some players) has still not be developped when anybody that plays Grepolis knows how much damage the flash spam has done on this game...

I agree. Sadly there is no way of approval which means the script will probably stay banned.


Come to greek servers where the general spam is forbitten with ban punishment by the 6 paragraph of rules . Also spam attacks and supports are forbitten. The game is more clean without all these really dirty-playing unpleasant things are happen in this server by low IQ players. Its so simple. Forbitte these kind of game for grepolis shake.
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