Fixed Small Temples - Info window does not open

Ingame Nick: DrabaAspera
Affected world(s): zz16
Browser: FF
Reproduction steps:
  1. . Info windows for small temples do not open any more, no interaction with the temples possible, links are broken.
  2. .
  3. .
Detailed error description (What you see):

How it should be:

Last edited:


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
I see it's already under review from our devs, should be already fixed tomorrow :)

Thanks for the report!
Yes, I also talked to the German CoMa, and he already reported it to Hamburg. But the Lead Community Manager told him that she is not sure that the issue can be fixed until tomorrow morning.


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
While all these discussions between you, the German CoMa and the Lead Community Manager were taking place, the devs were already fixing the issue and as I said the code is now under review.

As soon as the review process is complete, the fix will be included in the following deployment as usual. I hope it will be ready for tomorrow but I cannot really predict if some additional issues may arise during the review process.

Thanks for your strong interest in having the issue fixed as soon as possible :)