Scaling max favor



I've been playing both world 1 en 3 now, the thing I'm going to talk about is mostly a problem for me in world 1, but once I start getting bigger in world 3 I bet i'll have exactly the same problem so hence why I post it here.

Once you have a certain amount of cities, whether you decide they ALL worship the same god (or just 2, or all 5 scattered among cities) there's simply not enough favor for all your cities.

firstly, the cost of even ONE of some mythical units is more than 75% of total favor, meaning if you want more than one, well guess what you have to wait for it to fill up again. (for the sake of this thread, let's say the unit costs 400 Favor)

I generate an average of 25 Favor/hour for every god (I use all 4 gods in World 1), so although it's not the end of the world, it still takes a long time to regen.

This would be ok if I only had 1 or 2 cities worshipping that god.

Once you start talking bigger numbers, the story changes. I want to recruit 1 mythical unit in each of my cities that worship that god, I have to wait ages before I get that finished. And like most people, I don't actually want just 1 unit, I want more.

Secondly, after recruiting mythical units, you won't (or almost) be able to use that god's divine powers, I wished I could use that call of the ocean on that Hera city I have there but nope, sorry I recruited 1 hydra in another city so no call of the ocean for you. (BAD example, I know, 1 Hydra + 1 call of the ocean is 460 Favor, nihil ad rem anyway).

I wondered why this system is actually in use, and the only logical explanation for me is that you want to avoid that someone would be able to recruit a lot of mythical units in a city at once. Fine. I get that.

My suggestion is, EVERY city has it's OWN 500 favor box, just like resources.

For divine powers, the favor required is the total favor generated over all the cities, the way it depletes would be either in alphabetical order or spread over all your cities. (so using 1 call of the ocean when you have 3 poseidon cities would cost 20 favor to each city).

For mythical units, only the favor in the city would be used, as well as the resources. This would allow for more unit creation in different cities, while still not allowing more than 1 hydra in that one city.


suggestions that are not really related to new features of 2.0 should be placed in the suggestion forum of the normal servers and since 2.0 also already runs on the normal servers technical all suggestions that are not related to recent changes should go there.

while 500 favor is not much, it would not be worth anything if it was unlimited, think about it when every town would be staked with mystical creatures, than they would be the same like any normal unit,


Suggestions for improvement to the game can be posted here. That is what this section of the Forum is for. While it is good to post it in your local server as well, they can be discussed here.

That being said, I do agree with Darkkiller's statement. Mythical units are supposed to be rarities, as well as the gods showing you favour with increases in production or protection from your enemies. These things are the stuff of Legend, if it were easier to obtain, it would be commonplace and no longer mythical.


my suggestion applied to both 1.0 and 2.0 (and future 3.0 i guess)

"think about it when every town would be staked with mystical creatures, than they would be the same like any normal unit,"

no it wouldn't, like I said, every city would still only have max 500 favor to build mythical units in that city, and it would still require the same amount of resources. The only difference is I would be able to recruit 1 hydra in city B AND 1 hydra in city A.

Building a city with only mythical units would still remain completely dumb, since once they are killed it will be impossible to rebuild before a really long time. it's never worth the time.

"Mythical units are supposed to be rarities, as well as the gods showing you favour with increases in production or protection from your enemies."

yeah ok, but it's still a game and supposed to be fun. To me, mythical units are just an extra gameplay aspect, not some real thing that is oh so rare. But I still see your point, it makes sense.

but I could argue that since I have more and more cities that worship a god, why isn't that god getting more and more happy we do?


but I could argue that since I have more and more cities that worship a god, why isn't that god getting more and more happy we do?

Keeping both of my feet firmly grounded in fantasy, don't forget the gods were fickle creatures that were never really happy with anything that us mere mortals did. The only reason they ever bestowed their "gifts" upon us was to gain a point in their forever game of one upmanship. They were always too happy to lay a curse on someone for the slightest of transgressions. So even if they had millions worshipping them, it only pleased to point that they could use that "statistic" against each other, not to the point where they would grant extras to thier worshippers.

All that having been said, I do thank you for you suggestion. If you have any more feel free to post them here for discussion.

If anyone posts a suggestions that gets enough positive feedback, I will forward it to the Developers, regardless of my own opinion.


my suggestion applied to both 1.0 and 2.0 (and future 3.0 i guess)

"think about it when every town would be staked with mystical creatures, than they would be the same like any normal unit,"

no it wouldn't, like I said, every city would still only have max 500 favor to build mythical units in that city, and it would still require the same amount of resources. The only difference is I would be able to recruit 1 hydra in city B AND 1 hydra in city A.

Building a city with only mythical units would still remain completely dumb, since once they are killed it will be impossible to rebuild before a really long time. it's never worth the time.

"Mythical units are supposed to be rarities, as well as the gods showing you favour with increases in production or protection from your enemies."

yeah ok, but it's still a game and supposed to be fun. To me, mythical units are just an extra gameplay aspect, not some real thing that is oh so rare. But I still see your point, it makes sense.

but I could argue that since I have more and more cities that worship a god, why isn't that god getting more and more happy we do?

I agree with your idea:

1. Have every town accumulating there own favor used by that specific town only and not a pool shared between all towns.

This wouldn't make mythical units a common unit because:

1. If each town is responsible for there own Favor production then a fully leveled up Temple would only produce less than 50 favor per hour! correct me if I am wrong. But that is a long time to build to 500 (playing time that is).
2. If we kept the unit cost the same for the mythical unit than you would need to start storing favor again from scratch, so to speak.