Acknowledged Large temple Zeus

Ingame Nick: moonlight900
Affected world(s):zz24
Browser: Opera GX
Reproduction steps:

  1. Mouse on Zeus large temple
    Read the tooltip
Detailed error description (What you see):
Increased offensive power is reported
How it should be:
The increase in defensive power should be reported as written in the devblog
I have inserted some screenshots of the simulator that show how the effect actually works in defense


  • Schermata 2022-06-15 alle 10.51.39.png
    Schermata 2022-06-15 alle 10.51.39.png
    44 KB · Views: 80
  • Schermata 2022-06-15 alle 10.51.29.png
    Schermata 2022-06-15 alle 10.51.29.png
    285 KB · Views: 80
  • Schermata 2022-06-15 alle 11.03.13.png
    Schermata 2022-06-15 alle 11.03.13.png
    971.4 KB · Views: 74
  • Schermata 2022-06-15 alle 11.03.05.png
    Schermata 2022-06-15 alle 11.03.05.png
    892.6 KB · Views: 73
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Community Manager
Grepolis Team
Thanks for the report!

There's indeed a mismatch between the devblog and what happens in game. Our developers will check with Game Design!