Acknowledged Incorrect Reward Values in Mini-Game

Scoot ER

Ingame Nick:
Affected world(s): Zz2
Browser: Chrome
Reproduction steps:
  1. .Earn an award. Either the map quest or a sinking a ship.
  2. . Save it to your game inventory or use the award.
  3. . The Award level will be the same, but the amount per hour changes.
Detailed error description (What you see): The award level remains the same. I had two today. The first; was a level 2 Hydra reward for sinking the Hydra. The stated reward is 16 Hydras per hour for 2 hours, for a total of 32 needing 1600 population. After I made room in the permanent inventory and saved the reward; the amount per hour changed to only 4 per hour, but still for the two hours. The second occurrence is what prompted me to look here for a bug, and found none. The second reward issue was for Harpys. The reward stated 16 per hour for 3 hours; for a total of 48 needing 672 population. After the reward was used directly from the Mini-Game, it too reduced down to 4 per hour, but still for the 3 hours.

How it should be: The amount per hour should not change.


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
Yep, that is a known issue, thanks for reporting it anyways!

Right now the reward is the lower number displayed, once this will be fixed the correct one will be the higher instead.
same here as well on zz2....

Just sunk a light ship and the reward was supposed to be 16 lightships * 3 hours = 48 lightships in total.


In my case I applied it straight ahead to the active town and look like I got "taxed" by 75% :eek::eek:

and it ended up to 4 lightships * 3 hours = 12 lightships in total!!


( I assume those are the photos missing from initial post)


And for the normal, non-mythical land troop reinforcements, not even the displayed troop numbers have been adjusted. The factor "individual game progress" is missing for all troop rewards, as already described in the feedback thread these last days.

No comment.
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Community Manager
Grepolis Team
Some progress are being made, at the moment most of the issues here have been fixed, could you please try?

Only the grand prize should be still displaying a wrong value.
I can confirm that the Grand Prize values are still wrong, but for testing the other troop reinforcements again, I would first have to stumble upon new ones. I´m not quite sure whether I wish to waste more gold on hunting this bug and new troop rewards not keeping what they promise...^^

...also considering, of course, that we have not yet received the 300 Beta gold for the month of September 8-):p;))

I had tested it after today´s first update, though, and at that time all troop reinforcements produced wrong numbers as they have done from day 1 - the only "improvement" visible was that in some cases the displayed values had been adjusted, while those (merely optical?) adjustments vanished as soon as the rewards were used on a city.

I don´t even try to imagine how the code regarding those rewards and their calcuation might look like, considering that one or two times each year the game progress is missing from the formula, that rewards of the same level can display and/or grant more (or less) troops depending on which side of an event window they might appear, and that those rewards can generate less troops than indicated in their tooltips (although the numbers displayed in the tooltip and the numbers actually generated should come from the same source).
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I just tested it with today's daily special. As I thought it shouldn't be a difference to the other rewards but I tested it.



I would like to have the information about fixing the grand prize in order to plan when I should claim the rewards. If there's no solution in sight before the event ends it would be great to know about this information.
I think the fixing of the eventbugs was postponed to get the 10th annual worlds fixed, I can understand this.


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
I would like to have the information about fixing the grand prize in order to plan when I should claim the rewards. If there's no solution in sight before the event ends it would be great to know about this information.
I think the fixing of the eventbugs was postponed to get the 10th annual worlds fixed, I can understand this.
Yep, that's exactly the reason.

As many of you might have noticed, we had quite a few issues with the special worlds launched last week on every live market and fixing those took the maximum priority (actually most of the work has been done on Sunday by our developers).

I'll push this report again to make sure it will be fixed in time.