Fixed Grepolisscore ranking, search by Rank not working


In-game Nick: -PNP- incognito
Affected world: zz2
Browser: Opera 40.0.2308.90
O.S.: Windows 10 Pro x64
Steps to reproduce: open the Grepolisscore ranking view, enter a number in the Rank textbox (1, 100, 1000, whatever), click the button at the right of the textbox, and the red message pops up.
Detailed error description (What you see): I think the search by Rank button is triggering the same function as the search by Player button, because the message is the same, but even if you write 4 digits in the Rank textbox and even if you also write a nickname in the Player textbox (2 textboxes filled at same time) and click the search by Rank button, the same red message will pop up.
How it should be: it should work as the other 2 search methods (search by Page and search by Player), so it should just change the ranking view to the rank position that was written in the textbox.


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
I tried and the ranking search here works perfectly.

As I can see from your screenshot that yellow rectangle makes me think that your browser is inserting data with some kind of auto-completing data. Maybe a cache/cookies clear can solve the issue.


Cleared all cookies and cache, disabled all the extensions, restarted the browser, and I can still reproduce the bug. I tried in Chrome 53 and Firefox 48 and the same issue. Note it only happens in the Grepolisscore tab.


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
Ok, this means we're facing a weird situation.

I'll forward this to devs, thanks for the reporta and all your details.
I tried same scenario as -PNP- incognito and get same error on zz2
tried to get person 100 on list but same error.
Looks as if the code is missing an or and gives error for the name search box despite searching for rank.


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
Yes, I can confirm it.

When i gave the first answer i wasn't home, now I tried it myself and I've got the same error. Bug report already sent to devs, thanks guys!