Feedback: Gold Exchange


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
Feel free to share here your feedbacks about the new feature, Gold Exchange.


I cann't catch the meaning of taxation, can you explain it more in detail?
Is it something like a fee which mean, there will reduced the return or is it a adjustment for matching the prices all over the oceans?

By the way, it looks like that an arbitrage deal between the several exchange offices should be a good deal, should it?


I'm very excited about these upcoming changes. My impression is that Goldtrade has became more like a black market over the years. In Goldtrade some buyers get 2-3x more resources than the market limits and most the gold ends up by sellers who offer the extra resources as gift. I find the Gold Exchange is more fair to everyone and hope the P2W advantages will be lower, less resources will be available for gold.


As the Gold Trading has never worked as originally intended, every change to this system is welcomed I think. I hope it will also help with gold farming, very often by using BOT systems to gather resources from villages.


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
I cann't catch the meaning of taxation, can you explain it more in detail?
Is it something like a fee which mean, there will reduced the return or is it a adjustment for matching the prices all over the oceans?

By the way, it looks like that an arbitrage deal between the several exchange offices should be a good deal, should it?

There's really nothing more than what is explained, a small portion of the proceeds will be put aside automatically to increase its capacity for the traded resource.

Thanks for the feedbacks everyone :)


I have to say, when I saw the concept for Gold Exchange yesterday, I was excited. No more having to wait for someone to pick up your particular trades, which often relied upon being able to find and keep buyers, who generally demanded extra resources for their purchases.

However, I've just checked it out in-game. I didn't originally spot the "taxation" section, as it's hidden at the bottom of the wiki page (not a surprise, given that it's guaranteed to be unpopular). This new system takes gold out of the system: if we take the example of Sandbox 2, it costs 53 gold to buy 2000 stone, however if you sell 2000 stone, you only get 45 gold. InnoGames is effectively taking a commission off the gold trade, when the original gold trade incarnation meant that all the gold involved in resource trades stayed in the playerbase.

You've slightly increased the gold availability to players, at the cost of taking a noticeable commission. This new system also removes the possibility of trading gold from one player to another, such as can happen when players decide to leave the game, finish using a particular game account, or simply want to help a friend be able to afford advisors.

@Arci / @sieperka / @Bernard - is there a particular reason why InnoGames has decided that it's in the interest of the players for InnoGames to make a change that allows them to profiteer from gold trading?



The stock is full so we can't sell until someone buys, I hoped the prices will be more flexible, when the stock is full buyers should be motivated more.

@Kal Gordon Some sort of taxation is necessary otherwise players would resell the resources they bought for more and more gold. For someone to do that they need to be online to buy when stock is full and sell when stock is low... = unlikely.

There is a concern that 'big players' with high market levels may fill the stock or can manipulate with it. Is there a prevention plan for this? A sort of personal quota / cooldown etc.?

View attachment 628
after players bought resources the stock limit increases...
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Furthermore, having run some numbers, the "small proportion of the proceeds" is actually a 17.78% price hike from selling the resources to buying them. (i.e. If you could sell X resources for 1 gold, it would cost you 1.1778 gold to buy X resources at that time.)


@Arci with goldtrade it used to be a problem that if we didn't purchase the gold in App it was not tradeable for a very long period. Is this still an issue with Gold exchange?
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what i see in this change is really important .

1st : this will allow every players to use the premium advisors all along the server by selling their materials to the bank , this will open the possibility to stop this big difference in the game because we all know that's impossible to play properly a 30/40 or more cities account without at least the administrator and the captain.

2nd : it's not well known in beta servers , but in national markets there is a lot of deals done in private between materials traders and gold users.

For exemple in France , lots of well known players , "famous" players are making many deals with gold merchants on the server .

Those players can get 6000 for 50 gold when others must have only 2000 materials against 50 gold.

3st : this will totaly cut the possibility to create many fake accounts to sell materials ont the market and then exchange the gold again to the main account.

I hope you'll understand what i'm saying , if it's not , tell me i'll try to explain it with more details.


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
@Arci with goldtrade it used to be a problem that if we didn't purchase the gold in App it was not tradeable for a very long period. Is this still an issue with Gold exchange?

That has nothing to do with how the gold is traded, but on trading gold itself, so the previously applied rules are still valid.


That has nothing to do with how the gold is traded, but on trading gold itself, so the previously applied rules are still valid.
Thanks for the answer!

I asked because on the old gold trade we had this info text that I couldn't found on Gold exchange. Not a big deal, I was just hoping we might be able to buy resources without the 42-60 days waiting.


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
Furthermore, having run some numbers, the "small proportion of the proceeds" is actually a 17.78% price hike from selling the resources to buying them. (i.e. If you could sell X resources for 1 gold, it would cost you 1.1778 gold to buy X resources at that time.)

Maybe doing tests with 1 gold is not really accurate. Just did some quick tests with a little higher numbers and it turns out that on this example the rate was roughly 11%

Why is there a tax here?
Without this limitation it would be way too easy to buy resources at a prize, wait some minutes and then sell the same amount for a higher amount of gold, which would mean a potentially infinite gold generator.
That's definitely something we all want to avoid and I think you agree on that. Would be quite inconvenient if your opponent has unlimited gold for free.


The stock limits are also increased after someone bought gold, so without tax a player could buy & sell without losses and pump up the stock limit...


@Arci i like this update very much, any idea when it will get released on live markets?


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
@Arci i like this update very much, any idea when it will get released on live markets?
Glad you like the new feature :)

It will not be released on live markets with the next live update though, as we're gonna wait some weeks to fully test and analyze it.
Anyway, for sure it will be announced properly once released worldwide.