Acknowledged Duration of transport time


Ingame Nick: david1327
Affected world(s): zz2 and zz19...
Browser: chrome and firefox
Reproduction steps:
  1. Open the attacks or support window
  2. .
  3. .
Detailed error description (What you see): The duration of transport time is 0:05:00 for (zz18,zz19) and 0:03:45 for (zz2) (with no unit selected)Occurs on firefox like chrome and on two different computers.

How it should be: the duration of the transport time must be 0:00:00 (with no unit selected)

Capture d’écran 2021-01-31 144259.png

Capture d’écran 2021-01-31 141733.png


Das ist die Rüstzeit.
Diese richtet sich nach dem Weltenspeed und beträgt 15 Minuten/Speed und wird zur normalen Laufzeit dazu addiert.

This is the set-up time.
This is based on the world speed and is 15 minutes/speed and is added at the normal running time.


Das ist die Rüstzeit.
Diese richtet sich nach dem Weltenspeed und beträgt 15 Minuten/Speed und wird zur normalen Laufzeit dazu addiert.

This is the set-up time.
This is based on the world speed and is 15 minutes/speed and is added at the normal running time.
What does "set-up time" mean? Closest travel time?


What does "set-up time" mean? Closest travel time?
No, the set-up time is the time the units need, to enter the ships, saddle the horses or to put on their armor. Its alway time which added to the running time of an attack:
When you move units from point A to point B, a so-called set-up time is added to the bare running time. This is calculated from 15 minutes/speed of the world (see main worlds).


No, the set-up time is the time the units need, to enter the ships, saddle the horses or to put on their armor. Its alway time which added to the running time of an attack:
When you move units from point A to point B, a so-called set-up time is added to the bare running time. This is calculated from 15 minutes/speed of the world (see main worlds).
Oh, I never knew that. Thanks for the info!