Fixed Chrome notification

For the past days I kept seen a pop up message notification saying that I was attacked.
despite waiting etc no incoming attacks....

After some testings I figured out that I was getting a notification in chrome for incoming attacks by the time one of my attacks had hit target and relevant report was generated.... (see attached screenshoot)


Once the report was generated (target town removed for obvious reasons), pop up notification appears ONLY in case that grepolis tab is not not the active tab (i.e you read news)

But the most strange is the wording of the message as no incoming attack but I do the attack to another player.... and notification with wrong wording/messafe appears only once attack has landed and you get the report and grepolis tab is not active!!


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
Thanks for the report!
We'd like to see as additional information the time when this happened.


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
Thanks for the report!

We'd like to see as additional information the time when this happened.
One of my alliance members on zz5 described the same issue ingame and in the German forums:
Während ich hier schreibe, kommt diese Nachricht. Bitte ändern, aber schnell. Sowas geht ein nur auf den Zeiger und man reagiert irgendwann nicht mmehr wweil man denkt das man etwas angegriffen hat.
Occurred last Tuesday between 12:09 and 12:15 p.m. while she was attacking (no incoming attacks), and it occurred while she was writing in the German forums (i.e. the zz5 tab was not the active tab at that time, as described by galanoulis). I checked but could not confirm the issue, obviously because the tab was the active one in my case.
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Thanks for the report!
We'd like to see as additional information the time when this happened.

As per report time stamp...
2017/04/08 01:07:36

And as I can see from Draba screenshot it happened on Opera as well...

I can only assume that the attack report triggers the browser notification and that in the case of outgoing attacks the notification has wrong wording.....
That is how it looks to me.


Just attacked another city and notification said I was being attacked. - Definitely wrong wording.
It´s not only about wrong wording. If you have your in-game sound options active, you might notice that this bug has an acoustic counterpart, with attack warnings going off when your own attacks are landing.

Okay, that acoustic bug is not a new one (I first had reported it in 2014), but it might be related to this one.


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
It should be fixed now, do you still get this notification in a wrong context?