Changelog 2.302


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
Changelog 2.302

Dear Community,
you can find here a list of the changes and bug fixes that have been gradually deployed on beta for these versions.

New Features and Changes

  • Added option to re-use landing time for an attack or support in an attack plan
  • Removed automatic +2 hour arrival time when planning commands in the attack planner

New to mobile

  • Closing a window above the quick access cave button, won't open the cave anymore.


  • The culture overview will now reload when a culture event finishes
  • Attacking quest towns with a hero shows him/her now on duty to the quest town instead a ghost town
  • Awards in the player profile will be shown correctly again


We hope this update will meet your expectations.
If there is anything you would like to talk about, we are looking forward to it in the feedback thread, and in case you notice a bug, you can let us know by opening a new thread in the bug report section.

Best regards,
Your Grepolis Team
