Acknowledged Cave: Layout/Window Size

Ingame Nick: Draba Aspera
Affected world(s): zz2, zz7
Browser: FF
Reproduction steps:
  1. . Play on a device with supported minimum resolution, zoom 100%, no user scripts active
  2. . Have some windows minimized in the respective bar at the bottom of the screen
  3. . Open the cave

Detailed error description (What you see):
When playing with the minimum resolution supported by Grepolis, you will find that most ingame windows fit perfectly in between the quick bar on top of the screen and the bar for minimized windows on the bottom of the screen, for example:


The cave window, however, does not. It is overlapping the bar at the bottom of the screen, and the minimized windows cannot be accessed unless you close the cave beforehand:


Funnily enough, on opening the cave window seems to "hesitate" at the correct size before extending its size to the bottom line. We had that same issue some time ago, if I remember right.

How it should be:
All navigation tools of the UI should be accessible at all times, all window layouts should be limited accordingly.


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
Thanks for the report!

I don't exactly remind when, but all the windows have been resized to fit a minimun resolution. It seems that at first even the cave overview is ok, but suddenly expands towards the bottom side.

I'm forwarding it :)
Issue occurs on larger monitors too where there is no size issue....
Senate window is definitely larger than the empty cave window....


But @Draba Aspera .... as Arci said on another post... as frames issues have zero priority.... expect nothing......
But in your bug I think there be an exception on the frames zero priority policy as it affects small monitors...