for at least two days, just on hold. It turns nicely. No more cave can be filled in this way.
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We had actually, but it was taken down because they didn't want to hear the truthAlthough only beta / sandbox world, the GR pretend to have invented the game. You do read along here in any case, you are now driving my caves empty, which you could not before, because you now know that I cannot refill. It's just strange that you only ever read this here from foreigners. I haven't heard a GR complain here yet .. ))
Invented the game or the style of play? With a few exceptions, however, I knew the GR differently. And as far as I know, the game comes from Hamburg. Originally too. We'd rather not talk about the rest here. I miss Astraxan, he was still a decent player and two others from GR. The rest so far has always been more than questionable. But it's just my experience. Maybe someone else made better ones.We had actually, but it was taken down because they didn't want to hear the truth