Acknowledged Barracks unit cost data

Ingame Nick: moonlight900
Affected world(s): ZZ24
Browser: Opera GX, Firefox
Reproduction steps:
  1. . Open barracks
  2. . Select any unit

Detailed error description (What you see):
The data of the costs of the barracks units are not updated, but always remain fixed on the swordsmen


  • Schermata 2022-02-19 alle 12.30.14.png
    Schermata 2022-02-19 alle 12.30.14.png
    789.9 KB · Views: 79
  • Schermata 2022-02-19 alle 12.30.08.png
    Schermata 2022-02-19 alle 12.30.08.png
    772.7 KB · Views: 78
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