Acknowledged App: Reservation mark

Ingame Nick:Galanoulis
Affected world(s):zz2 (most probably all)
Device: Samsung SM-J510FN
O.S.: Android 7.1.1
App Version:2.167.1

Reproduction steps:
  1. .Reserve a town
  2. .Enter attack menu to attack this town
  3. .Select units for attack
  4. . Unable to use slider to change amount of units as slider is overlapped by name of person reserved town. So if you try to use slider it opens profile of user owning reservation
Detailed error description (What you see):
Unable to use slider to change amount of units as slider is overlapped by name of person reserved town. So if you try to use slider it opens profile of user owning reservation
So in this example (see screenshot) if I try to use slider to change number of slingers to use in attack, I open my profile...
How it should be:
Reservation owner name should not overlap slider so as we van use slider


Not really , it is annoying a little bit ,at least for me . I am used to PC or laptop :D
I would also like to ask, am I getting those 75 golds for reporting this bug (as it is a bug and bug form was used)

Thank you.
It is round 2 years ago, that I have reported it to IG. But this is not really an important bug, and so they won't to fix it.