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  1. Not a Bug/Cannot reproduce Seems to give the bot after all.

    no bot haha Statements by various players can prove even more. But that can be clarified elsewhere. The messages can also be read by the support. I will not delete them.
  2. Not a Bug/Cannot reproduce Atts with 1 sword from 14K city

    seems to be still possible for some people to turn a 14K LD city into many spam atts with one sword each. A larger amount should actually be needed by the second Attend at the latest.
  3. Acknowledged Cave can no longer be displayed

    for at least two days, just on hold. It turns nicely. No more cave can be filled in this way.
  4. Not a Bug/Cannot reproduce Narcissism was wrought despite the "protection of the city"

    Narcissism was wrought despite the "protection of the city" in the city, how does it work? Or is that what you want?
  5. Unconfirmed new view error

    occurs when you have support and the city owner triggers a quest.
  6. Not a Bug/Cannot reproduce Ares can no longer be selected

    Ares can no longer be selected, it is no longer available. Ares can no longer be selected, it is no longer available.
  7. Fixed New Event

    When calling the help in the new event, the display from the last event still comes. "Attak of Hydra". Nothing serious, just embarrassing. Regards Rudi
  8. Not a Bug/Cannot reproduce City names are not displayed for ghosts

    City names are not displayed for ghost cities. Already found several times. Here then come some farming village names. So you can't even inform your Ali properly. Wrong city name Incorrect units and even shipping to other unselected cities have also occurred since the update. I hope that will...
  9. Unconfirmed Ranking list / GrepoScore world hangs when scrolling or is not reloaded

    Under the evaluations ranking list, all tabs run fairly smoothly and can be scrolled up and down, only problems seem to exist under the Greposcore World tab. You cannot scroll down here.
  10. Awaiting feedback Incorrect graphical representation in the building loop

    if the building loop is completely filled, the last pop-up window will be displayed incorrectly when the building loop is crossed.
  11. Acknowledged exclusive hero flawed view

    When receiving and / or training the new hero Michael, this is not displayed correctly in various places.