Not a Bug/Cannot reproduce Animation marking movements

Ingame Nick: galanoulis
Affected world(s): zz2
Browser: Chrome
Reproduction steps:
  1. . Send attack to a town on same island
Detailed error description (What you see):
Tried to attack a town with land units, tried ships and even tried flying units but the animation marking movements stated in the Browser Changelog 2.168 do not appear
No scripts running. Cookies and temp files have been deleted....

How it should be:
As per Browser Changelog 2.168 I should be able to see some animation marking movements on the map.
Well.... nothing appeared....
Even tried an attack on different island... but still nothing...
No movements even if attack is with ships or flying units.....

For the time being those (unnecessary) animations are for interactions with the bandits´ camp only - and I hope it will stay this way...^^
For the time being those (unnecessary) animations are for interactions with the bandits´ camp only - and I hope it will stay this way...^^

Oups.... looks like I got over excited and misread update.....

Well on second thought seems like you are right...
Imagine sending 10 or more attacks..... map will become a mess and will look like a spider nest.....:eek::eek::eek: