World Wonders


Hallo, I have a question for you.

Alliance A, it owns the World Wonder lighthouse of alexandria to level 10.

Alliance B, owns the World Wonder lighthouse of alexandria to level 9, having already set up the necessary resources to start the expansion to level 10.

The blue button on the World Wonder Window is blue and not gray.

If you click the button to expand it, what happens?

A) Nothing, does not begin the expansion of the world wonder.
B) The expansion starts, but in the end do not get to level 10, and the resources are there.
C) The expansion starts, but in the end do not get to level 10 and the resources are lost.
D) Other


Hello Thann,
Answer A is correct.
After clicking the blue button, you get informed that there is already another world wonder of this kind at level 10. You first need to conquer a city on the island where the other alliance has build their wonder to level 10. If they lose a town, the ww gets instantly reduced to level 9 and then your blue button works!


Are these World Wonders still the Endgame of you IG..
