Fixed Where is Thessa?

Ingame Nick: Draba Aspera
Affected world(s): zz2
Browser: FF
Reproduction steps:
  1. . Keep one of Thessalonike´s kisses as a token in your inventory
  2. . Open the extended inventory and notice that the respective image is missing
  3. .
Detailed error description (What you see):
It´s a minor issue, of course, but since I had kept the special edition of "Thessalonike´s Kiss of Love" (once awarded as a compensation in the extended inventory when initially the event did not work exactly as it should have worked, some years ago) as a token on all my older game worlds, I have noticed recently that the image is gone. I am missing Thessa (and besides, you can never have enough kisses of love...^^)



Community Manager
Grepolis Team
Aaah those mermadis...

Please, could you also give a look if the icon is displayed from the app?
Now that it is fixed (and the fixing even mentioned in the changelog), wouldn´t it be the right time to finally acknowledge this bug report...?^^


You all have a lot of rewards , and a lot of Divine senses :))) I have like 1 thing in my extended inventory ,yours is full . How ? :D