Value of feedback?


Lets talk about value (or importance) of feedback, not about feedback for any specific feature, but generally.

You released project called Grepolis united, which is focused on transparency... you share your ideas, plans, informations and opinions with players... but they dont share this with you! I dont speak about few players, who active post their ideas and feedback to current topics, but about thousands of players that dont tell you their opinion or ideas for new features.
I think, this is reason, why it seems like you dont listen to players. I understand - why throw away some features while only 10 players have negative feeling from it. Again, this is not only 10 players.

Yes, here is option of feedback threads and related beta testing... however, view of player - Why should I post my opinion to feedback thread? Grepo team dont forward it to devs (+ forum activity is usually terrible low)... and I dont have language skills to post it on Beta or international forum. So, if I dont agree, I have two options - I can stop play or I can get accustomed. What I choose, it depends if I/I am:
a) someone, who just spend free time here... I log in, click something... and no activity for next 24+ hours
b) clearly non-gold player, any ranks - doesnt matter, but active
c) use some gold, not so much, only for basic things, still no interests in high rank
d) use some gold, interested in rank position
d) maniac that must be top and can spend some money extra, if needed
e) maniac that must be top and dont want to spend more money to new features (your latest and the most problematic features are based on gold)

Open feedback for all players, regardless of language skills, time options etc... and you will see what players think and their view... and I hope higher amount of people have higher value for you when you decide to (not) implement any feature.

Next, I dont understand, why devs communicate just with admins, not with mods or cheathunters... because admins often dont have time or they can be lazy after several years on this position. :p So, also bugs are reported slowly... and some are never reported - when admin is inactive, who can report it? Nobody. And any feedback or something else? HA HA... It s not good when all is on one person. Skype group could be solution or at least any active internal mail contact. However this is other thing, not for public discussion.

Simple in-game survey with detailed description of feature and question "Do you wish to implement xxx?" - Yes/No... and then suggestions/additions by community, which can be forwarded to devs by anybody from local Grepo team - closer contact with community and team. Low time demand and easy access to these surveys + active forwarding and listening of opinions and ideas is the main point. Concept of monthly voting was great... it just needs some adjustments.

I thought for long time if I should waste time on writing this... your business, your problems, but current situation is silent killer for Grepo community. You dont take care for Grepo veterans, you only want to improve game for newcomers, that will be here few days and then...

I am waiting for Geodes "Thanks for suggestion." - you can surprise me! :D

P.S. Am I alone?


youre not alone. there used to be a survey that the devs would put out about newupdates in the game itself and the players would rank the updates o. a scale from 1-5. i have no idea when they stopped doi.g that i thought it was a great idea.