Update 2.31


- Complete re-factorization of the attack planner and implementation of the run time calculator (for beta only);
- On the profile, only the current world awards are now displayed. The other awards can be displayed on demand by clicking a button;
- Players can now zoom in & zoom out the mini-map with the magnifying glass/lens;
- Improved command overview:
• option to change town group within the window;
• search trough alliance and player names;

- When alliance forum was maximized, it was not possible to enter the CAPCHA;
- There was a displaying issue with the battle points in reports: if a player was attacking a town he also supports, the displayed points were from his support and not from his attack;
- Recruiting new units was not possible through the troops overview;
- When trading with farm villages, a double click on the "Trade" button triggered two trade movements;
- Several bugs on Internet Explorer 8 and 9 have been fixed:
• the mini-map was getting empty from time to time when scrolling on the map;
• the magnifying glass/lens was not working anymore;
• there was a crash of the map after zooming.
- Fixed a graphical glitch in attack window during night mode;
- Fixed issues with sliders in the cave;
- The recruit overview is now properly updated after recruiting units;
- The maximized forum was sometimes not loading: "TypeError: Game.img is not a function".


- The two finger scroll gesture has been removed;
- Added a special welcome message with tips for iPad users;
- Added a "double-tap" gesture on town name: it's now possible to change the town name on iOS;

- Bot protection: the captcha can now be submitted on iOS without closing the on-screen keyboard;
- The quick bar is now usable again on iOS.
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