Update 2.24


- Players received inactivity mail but was not given gold for logging back in through login page instead of the link: the players can now collect his inactivity gold with the link from the mail even if they have logged in before;
- New invite friend feature: players can now invite their friends via Facebook;
• The friend invite menu has been extended with a Facebook button that uses the Facebook share API;
• You can invite via timeline postings, private messages, ...
- The automatic renewal of premium wasn't stop if a player loose all his cities and doesn't create a new one: the premium extension is now reset when a player looses all his cities and restarts;
- Colonization continues after all land units are destroyed: when conquering and losing all ground units, the remaining units are sent home now;
- Improvement/Refactoring of the Recruit overview, which now provides extended features like sorting, filtering, recruiting units for multiple towns with two clicks.

- Actively communicate earned 200 Gold when friend reaches 1000 town points: there was an error that prevent the message from being created;
- Player can't go to Email address in settings: this was a temporary error from portal and exists any more;
- Problem with recruited players and inviting already-existing player does not work: recruited players were displayed multiple times in the overview and counted towards the max gold fetch limit;
- Unable to restart caused by Facebook: if you were connected to Facebook but not logged in you could not restart. This has been changed so that you now can enter you password if connected but not logged in to Facebook;
- Error fetching GameReport: an error in creating a game report could lead to a problem where the report could not be displayed;
- Players could get gold for more invites than 10;
- Gold notification send only once per invitation: the in-game notification was only send once per invitation and not for every mentee;
- Phoenician Trader was sometimes offering wrong mythical units;
- Attack planer: the transport capacity research was not considered: the research "berth" was taken from current selected game town and not from the town in attack planer;
- When banned players wanted to restart the game, the confirmation pop-up was broken;
- In some browsers the popups for the different display modes in the own offers tab were displaced;
- The invite friend collect gold tab does not refresh sometimes: if players collected gold for their invitations the buttons stayed active afterwards;
- After accepting an offer the window doesn't refresh: an error occurred in the market when players accepted an offer which blocked the window refreshing;
- The construction of a world wonder hasn't been stopped when another alliance completed it;
- An error occurred when players had their settings window open while they updated their emblem;
- Revolts with strange behaviors: in some cases revolts weren't active anymore when players wanted to takeover a town;
- The "Own islands" award is not always awarded when conditions are met: there was an error on worlds with the new command system which didn't recognized the island possession;
- Fixed a problem where a town of an island became ghost, but players could still send resources to the wonder;
- Multiple earthquakes and bolts on the same town: if destructive powers were cast in the same second, the town was effected with both effects;
- Fixing following Daily Reward issues:
• On the 30th day the player get randomly one of three major gifts but another were presented to him;
• Daily Reward levels were skipped in special cases.
- Favors were not reset after losing the last town;
- Improvement of the description of the bonus for building Temple of Artemis;
- Published reports on alliance forum now includes info about used spells;
- The game layout was broken when using the InnoGames Toolbar on Chrome;
- The settings for publication rights of a battle report are now displayed properly: if a player had this settings window open for report A and then wanted to update settings for report B - window was still showing settings for report A.

Hero world bugfixes:
- There were some players whose favor limit wasn't set to 550 although they had the award.

Mobile related features/changes:
- Implementation of the attack notification icon:
• If a player has an incoming attack, an icon at the header bar is shown indicating the number of towns being attacked;
• In addition the town image on the start screen is replaced with a blinking attack icon.
- Spells not shown on report of an attack:
• The report now show the cast spell of the attacker;
• In addition the effects of defender and attacker are displayed as well.
- Touch on button has no response: the mobile selector buttons were only touchable on the text, now the complete button can be clicked.

Mobile related bugfixes:
- Javascript errors fixed that prevented a player from seeing the start screen;
- Desire shown on an attack for defender: now the correct power icon is shown for the town;
- Players could call the militia from farm towns: the icon showed was from the militia but it should have been the hoplite. It was only a wrong background