Update 2.23


- New invite friend feature: players can now invite their friends via Facebook;
- Improvement of the troops outside overview: possibility to sort commands by "origin town name", "destination town name", "player name" and "troops count" ascending or descending;
- Improvement of the recruit overview: When submitting new recruitment command:
• fields corresponding to submitted city will get their values cleared;
• fields corresponding to other cities will keep their values (if provided previously).
- Balancing of the Phoenician trader: the trade of resources with the Phoenician trader has been rebalanced. The initial ratio is now 1:0.5 and increase with a range of 0.1 for each trade of resources, up to 1:1. The ratios are reset after a 24h travel time of the Phoenician trader from a town to another town.


- Newly invited player has a notification that he was invited to the game. The notification was buggy:
• If the invited player clicked on this notification, the message window opened with an exception because there was no associated message;
• Icon changed to not open message window. Tool-tip is now only shown upon hover.
- In the rankings, the endless scrolling was not working correctly after jumping to another page. A second "Go to page" was also not possible;
- The incoming attack counter did not refresh itself after an attacking player restarted his account;
- In the "own offers" screen of the Marketplace, accept buttons were not working after deleting offers;
- The pagination system was not working correctly in the Marketplace;
- In the town overview, some graphics of the divine statue were missing;
- Another endless scroll issue was occurring in messages and reports lists;
- The wood production counter wasn't refreshed automatically;
- On the map, a wrong tool-tip was displayed when over hovering the world wonder spot;
- The email for account deletion request was stating the world id instead of the world name;
- There was a visual problem on some reports;
- Commands information was overlapped in the conquest window;
- The bottom scrollbar arrow in the culture overview was not clickable;
- The arrows were not working in the "create offer" tab of the market for selecting the distance time limit;
- Scrolling awards in player profile was not possible under some circumstances;
- A layout issue with the preview frame of the profile has been fixed;
- The layout of most in-game emails have been slightly adjusted:
• All (except notification emails) should stick to same layout and structure;
• We now display full link URLs for activation, deletion and other similar actions instead of using linked keywords (like "delete user").
Mobile related:
- Mobile login will now count towards Daily Login Bonus;
- Mobile login will now count for activity in alliance.
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