Update 2.20


-Added a new tab to the message window where announcements from the Grepolis team can be found
-Market Usability improvements in creation process and new alliance internal trading feature
-Added free population info in the farm villages overview
-When using the Town BBCode, the cursor is now directly inserted in the text field
-Added tool-tips in the troops outside overview
-Phoenician trader: possibility to enter the amount of resources you want to trade as currency
-Alliance members highlighted in the rankings
-New item in the island menu: direct access to world wonder window of the island
-Remove the "City ID" info from town_info window and add a BBCode button instead
-Premium recruiting overview: building numbers for units in queue are not up to date only after changing to this town
-Troops outside: Add new sorting type 'by population' (please look at the comment in the ticket)
-Beginners protection: grey out the attack button if an attack is not possible cause of noobprotection and add a mouseover info to this button
-Troops outside overview: show transport capacity bar below the unit input fields like we have it in the normal agora window
-Refresh overview windows automatically after player changed his city group

-In island info there is an open free spot which actually doesn't exist
-Radial menus on the map now work properly on iOS Safari
-Several buttons were broken in iOS Safari, most of them work, but some are still not working properly
-World wonders should be destroyed or damaged correct when a player is kicked out of an alliance.
-The button to research rider is no longer shown when the required academy level is not reached.
-Premium: Wrong refreshing free population after recruit troops
-Troops outside. When you want to withdraw some troops, the troop image and the field there you write in the number of troops.
-Curator tutorial: Link for inviting friends is not working
-Invite friend places sometimes more than once on the map
-Some world wonders are not displayed by night
-GUI: JS critical error during opening "City overview" in new tab
-If a window is overlaid by other windows and you click the corresponding menulink again than it should be pushed to the foreground
-Fix for user profile drag and drop after switch to jquery 1.7.1
-Progress bar on farming villages is not shown
-Town list popup has scrollbar whern there are 3 towns one the list
-Fix for BBcode-Table
-Search result showing nothing in Alliance Forum
-Fix for switching active town group

Hero world features:
-strong wine will increase the length of festival and party by 15% instead of 16.6666%
-make default tab for messages window dynamic

Mobile related:
-Favors max displayed is now correct
-Loading GameData optimized
-Fixed some translation errors
-Fixed empty report
-Fixed wrong text used for victory procession in culture overview
-Fixed confirmation requests for premium stuff
-Fixed wrong display of target city in attack screen