Not a Bug/Cannot reproduce unpossible to move forum threads


Ingame Nick: B 72
Affected world:
Sandbox 5
(Bug found on desktop version)
Browser: Firefox, Chrome Versie 53.0.2785.143 m

(Bug found on mobile version)
App Version:

Steps to reproduce: open forum, select threads, click functions, the parts where the dropdown menu was before is gone....

Detailed error description (What you see): No errors, just not possible to move threads anymore

How it should be: it should be like with a dropdown menu where you can choose to move it to..


How it is:


How it should be:



Community Manager
Grepolis Team
Hi B 72, thanks for the report!

Unfortunately, as Draba correctly said, it's not a bug. Threads from shared forums can't be moved.
Hello Arci,

I recall couple of ages ago when the shared forums were implemented, that we were able to move threads around (from a shared to a non shared forum).
Was there a specific reason why this was disabled?
Is there any chance that this is enabled again or at least alliance owning the shared forum have the rights to move threads in or out of it ?
so as to keep old threads as an archive for example.


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
I'm not sure that it was possible to be honest, anyways the proposal to allow this option on shared from has already been forwarded to game design :)