suggestion to avoid strange results when activating farms


related to BUG: attack on farming vilages

imaging that you have a large city on an island that you conquered some time ago. you didn't had the need to activate the farms but finally you realize that trading resources would be a nice plus and you want to activate the farms now. you have 1000 slingers and you send 10 to the first farm, then go to the second farm - it says "no resistance" so you send 10 slingers, do this with the 3rd, 4th and so on as always it tells you that there is no resistance. you are back half an hour later and BANG full of messages that your slingers died in vain.
and now it gets even stranger: now you have 4 farms with 5 of the 60 swordsmen missing so you try again and send 500 slingers to one of those farms, you will activate it and lokking at the next farm you will notice WTF! I already killed 5 swordsmen and now it's full of bowmen (in the resting 3 cities).
so the whole farm activation system does work for a beginner that has to work hard to reach every new step to activate the farms but it doesn't work for the player with many cities that conquered a town on a new island.

how about not beeing able to activate more than one farm at the same time? like you send troups to the first farm and want to send to a second farm but the attack button is grayed out and a tooltip is presented (when hovering over the attack butten) that says something like "please wait for activation of the other farm". then all those problems mentioned would be solved with a simple rule: only one farm activation at the same time.


You're not going to garner much attention here, my friend.
Instead post the same thing here using the format that's given there by the mod.