Spartan Assassins Event feedback thread


Anything related to the newest event goes here.

We are waiting for your feedback.


Time an Event that's fun again..I can not have said..



Speeding of game... nothing else. Too huge bonuses = quicker expanding... :( Events dont affect game core, but it greatly affects progression on worlds... :( So, after 7 months WWs are launched on worlds speed 3.


Would be nice if there was overall winner as well as daily winner. community goal values seem low also would be nice if rather than community goals they were alliance goals. As a battle game I do not want to give my enemies the same advantage as my own alliance.


As far as the event goes, have to say, its pretty boring in comparison with other recent events.
Given ten arrows, click ten icons, get ten lots of points, buy rewards.

Even having the arrows discovered when farming, building etc like in previous events would add some sort of interaction to it. As it is theres very little to keep the player interested in the event.

But its ok, i guess.

But ive got huge issue with teh community goals. FIVE weeks? please no, 1 week would be enough surely.

What those rewards are doing is effectively increasing the speed of the world by 50% for 5 weeks. Players signed up to play speed 2 NOT speed 3, or they signed up to play speed 4, NOT speed 6. You cant just change the world speed on people for over a month, its simply stupid. 1 week would be plenty enough.

On a personal note on that, i suffer anxiety disorder and panic attacks, and some of that is hyperactivity related. I play a speed 4 world which is about as far as I can push myself mentally without imploding,, but even then i have to take a few days break every ten days or so just to chill out a bit. 5 weeks solid of everything increased by 50%, im probably going to have to go into Vm. its simply too much.


Thank you very much for valuable feedback. It is forwarded to developers.