server test and other server

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Hello, I am an Italian player who was attracted by the coins, and why I joined this world (bringing friends).

I wonder if the gold coins to be allocated can be used on other game worlds or only test on this server.

I hope it is the first alternative because it would not make sense for many to play in a world that begins a week even if you offer something free.

ps: sorry for my English!


Can only be used on the test world and not transferred to other worlds.
300 gold coins will be given to each Beta tester per month. An additional 50 gold coins will be given to the player who reports a bug first. (The granting of this 50 though is up to the Community Manager, so don't be demanding 50 gold coins for reporting a typo or an otherwise teeny bug.)

Can only be used on the test world and not transferred to other worlds.


We can't transfer the gold to thousands of player accounts across various language servers. It's just not possible.

Question Answered. Thread Closed.
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