Refresh Button


a really good thing to have would be a refresh button on the buildings window ---------------------here--VVVVVVV

just to explain a bit
everything in this game is about timing
say you send silver from each city to a single destination city to fill up its cave
you might have 20 or 30 incoming trades all arriving within a few seconds

what happens now is you open the cave use all your silver in the warehouse
15k silver comes in and you have to wait quite a few seconds for the available silver in the cave slider to update so you can use that 15k silver

if another 15k silver comes in before the cave window is updated (it can take 30 seconds or so) your warehouse will overflow

what i am doing now to get around this sluggishness is close the window and then open it again just to get the available silver slider to reset

if you have a refresh button the cave window will be refreshed within a couple of seconds and you can use that 15k silver before the next 15k load arrives

same thing happens if you are sending resources to build buildings
the senate display is very slow to update after resources come in
having the refresh button will just speed up that update and allow you to stick buildings in the queue before the warehouse is overflowed

it could also be used in the command overview
even with a fast connection when you have 40 or so attacks/supports/spies all at once the updates is quite lazy
a refresh button will just speed up that display a bit as the window won't be updated slowly along with the rest of the screen commands coming from the server it will be done now

think of it as a GIVE ME IT NOW button if you like

in fact it could be used on all windows :)


An interesting idea, I will let this go for a few days before I comment on it.


well if the interface would update automatically with any incoming trade than there would be no need for such an button, for the command overview, clicking on the command tab again will have the same effect, so there is no real point in having an extra button


the interface does update automatically
but it is slow
there isn't a lot you can do about that
many things effect it
speed of your connection
how many grep windows you have open
how many 'commands' are being received from the server
the polling interval to the server
no amount of coding can improve those and make updates instantaneous
but commands sent to the server (like opening a window or changing a tab) are quicker because there is a request response that is quite quick rather than the lazy update of the window on a poll