Sorry my english, I'm german.
How could it be, that a player conquert a town at 10:27 a. m. and at 12:34 a. m. he attaced with 65 light ships, 85 fast transport ships 15 Catapults and full troops??? And: attaced 3 (!!!) towns. He lost some units, but in a very short time he attaced again. Accelerated recuitmend, popolation growth, 5 times gold, completly barracks... We have try to count... our result: At first, he ist a powergolder. Ok, it's allowed. At second: He has bots for make gold, troops, endless wood, stone and silver.
Unusually he could started revolts to the same time, if the first revolt doesn't succsessfull. Therefor also a bot?
Our result:
Now it doesn't funny on sandbox!!!!
And please: No answers like "you win towns, you lost towns. Go and play farmarma." We also not newbies, play since years on german worlds, very succsessful. But if one ore more players use bots.... it's.... f***
I think, the support have to check the players often...
Sorry my english, I'm german.
How could it be, that a player conquert a town at 10:27 a. m. and at 12:34 a. m. he attaced with 65 light ships, 85 fast transport ships 15 Catapults and full troops??? And: attaced 3 (!!!) towns. He lost some units, but in a very short time he attaced again. Accelerated recuitmend, popolation growth, 5 times gold, completly barracks... We have try to count... our result: At first, he ist a powergolder. Ok, it's allowed. At second: He has bots for make gold, troops, endless wood, stone and silver.
Unusually he could started revolts to the same time, if the first revolt doesn't succsessfull. Therefor also a bot?
Our result:
Now it doesn't funny on sandbox!!!!
And please: No answers like "you win towns, you lost towns. Go and play farmarma." We also not newbies, play since years on german worlds, very succsessful. But if one ore more players use bots.... it's.... f***
I think, the support have to check the players often...