Acknowledged Grepolympia: Awards

Ingame Nick: Draba Aspera
Affected world(s): zz2, zz7
Browser: FF
Reproduction steps:
  1. . End a match among the top 15 players
  2. .
  3. .
Detailed error description (What you see):

According to the in-game info, the first 15 players should receive an additional award at the end of a match:


I ended up on ranks 3 (zz2) and 4 (zz7) in the match against Athens but didn´t receive an additional award.

Additionally, the text says 15% in the upper part, and 15 participants in the lower part. The lower part (15 participants) should be the correct one, as far as I can see.

How it should be:



Community Manager
Grepolis Team
Thanks for the report! :)

I'm also gonna ask it it should be 15 or 15%


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
Soooo time to clarify a couple of things:

Top 15% players are in the count for the match vs Athens/Sparta etc.
Top 15 players are eligible for the award.

I have the feeling that since the Grepolympians (top 15% players) didn't win the match, the awards weren't given out... but it would be a bug and I'm reporting it.

Yes, that 15-15% is confusing.
Yes, @Adler94 said so much in the German feedback thread - and they will also look into the other discrepancies between wiki and game (such as the training points/unit - the numbers differ considerably in the wiki and in the game).

As far as 15 vs 15% are concerned: This explains why the scores of "Greece´s Best" don´t add up to the community score stated - but it is confusing since you would expect that they do. As it is, nobody knows whether he/she is among those top 15% and whether his/her score will add to the community score while at the same time only the scores of the top 15 players are displayed in that first tab "current score". Will stay confusing unless it gets changed.