Gold- any word?

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I joined the test server 3 weeks ago. I and many others were told we would get free gold for joining. We are still waiting.All topics created about it either gets locked or deleted without a resolution. We were originally deceived because many believed we would get that for our main accounts. Many left as soon as they found that not to be the case. Will we actually ever get gold or not? I see that many have purchased gold so that part of the game works. And we were told 300 gold a month. Does that mean we will get that gold prorated when/if it does come to pass? Meaning if we have to wait 2 months , will we get 600 gold?
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No one ever said that it would be given to the main accounts. It was plainly stated that it would be given to the Beta accounts. If people choose not to read what was put out, and assumed something different that is not something we can control. There was no deception involved. As to when it will be given out, Innogames has not yet told us anything about that. We have raised the issue with them numerous times, but no firm reply has been given other than it will be given at some point. If or when we hear anything more on the subject we will make an announcement.


It goes beyond this world 2.... they told us this about world 1 also, and still no gold! :(


Not plainly stated:
As one of a number of these measures we are going to need testers on our Beta Server. All updates go through on this server well in advance of the actual game servers. We need you to sign up and play there. For this we will be paying each tester on the server 300 gold per month. The server is limited to five thousand players. We are advertising this on all language versions so we expect the numbers to fill up pretty soon.

Community Manager

The full post:

To myself and about 9 of my friends it seemed deceptive,unclear at least.I mean I get 300 gold for testing your game. ok. this would have been clearer if added "But only to use on the test server".So I am given nothing really for my time but more perks to test with. And I use more than that on the real game.I can live with it but many couldn't so a loss of players is in motion now.I'll stay because I am strange like that.Besides, I wanna kill stuff here.I can do it without gold , just makes growth slower. :)

I'll of course continue to wait for an update on the "Gold" situation.


Not to be arguemantative, but that seems pretty clear to me that it means the test server, especially as the statement continues to to say it will be limited to 5000 players. The entire paragraph does nothing but refer to the test server so why would you take the one sentence to mean any other server? Not to mention the fact that on the international server forum and this server forum the question about what account would the gold be credit to had been asked at least a couple of times on each one, and answered.


I don't see that as argumentative at all. So I'll clarify my view.And well maybe it's just me(and quite a few others I know). I am getting really old (nearing 50). But paying me to test with gold in the test isn't really paying me , it's enhancing your test.You simply give me access to more options to test.So when it was stated we would receive a payment of gold , many naturally assumed it would be in our regular game play .It does seem that as a penalty for that unclear post , you'll see (and probably have already) a large inactive group that joined and didn't stay.I have 9 in my world 1 faction.But that will probably help test to. So it's a win/win for innogames.

And on this server, the question was asked after the accounts had been created and we had joined this board.To late to keep them from creating accounts.

Do you know if we will get the gold prorated when/if it does come to pass? Meaning if we have to wait 2 months , will we get 600 gold? I'm guessing you have no idea because they haven't told you, but if you could get that questioned answered when you find out , it would be great.


Let's pretend that it isn't prorated & let's also pretend that we may or may not get any gold come October 1st.

Because the mods won't be getting back to us with any information/announcements before then anyways most likely.

It's important to always expect the least/worst so you're never disappointed or let down, cheers :D


Rest assured that the moment I hear about the 300 gold per month, I will let the players know. I just do not have any information as yet.


And you will receive such information next year? :unhappy:

Until now:
Every player on those test worlds will receive 300 gold/month - FALSE

Every player will receive 50 gold for every bug discovered - FALSE

Do we have to move to other games because the staff that produced this game is not serious?
The unhappiness of players is still rising with every day goes by because nobody likes to be lied or informed wrong.


Every player will receive 50 gold for every bug discovered - FALSE

if you had read the Announcement you would know that the Community Manager decides if a reported bug is worth to be paid or not
In addition to this the players that put the most effort into reporting bugs on the forum and to the game administrators will receive a bonus payment of 50 gold. This is at the discretion of the Community Manager.


Ok than for every serious and important bug discovered and reported, if this sounds better. Until now nothing happened so we like to see some action before our patience reach the limit.


There will be no announcement of who receives premium for bug reporting. The reporter will know about it, that's it.


So, who cares. Sure the gold would be nice, but you only get it for the beta acc. Once beta is over it's over. No reward for your actual acc.


I don`t want an announcement regarding this problems but i want to see that this announcement: become reality, yesterday if it`s posible :smirk:
So hurry up!

That's not up to us. I assure you, we have made numerous requests to get the gold, but when that happens is entirely out of our control. So I would appreciate it if players would stop displacing their discontent with the gold on the moderator team, especially on Betsy. We try to do the best we can with what we have and what we're told.


I personally didn't mean to be rude (even though I realize you weren't quoting me), & if I was I apologize.

When I said something to the effect of the mods not getting back to us on the issue before October 1st I meant that they probably wouldn't have heard anything back from inno on the issue by then.


I never try to be rude. Maybe sometimes sarcastic,but it often seems I am. I realize that the staff is simply liaison for innogames. They can only tell us what they know. It is innogames that is keeping everyone in the dark,leaving the staff to take the brunt of the irritation everyone feels.


You could try to be less irritating, you know. Relieve that pressure.


Wouldn't it just be easier to edit the

"300 gold coins will be given to each Beta tester per month."

Out of the offending post ,then at least it stops this question appearing every few days
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