Feedback to version 2.119


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We have started the process of continuous deployment to beta, therefore first pasts of version 2.119 are available. We would appreciate if you could leave your feedback here.


So far, including this morning it appears everything has gone OK, with the minimum of game down time.

I think it is an excellent idea do things bit by bit, rather than in one big upgrade, so you guys get my vote.
The "summary" of Beta changelog 2.119 seems to have nothing to do with update 2.119 and is not even mentioned in changelog 2.119 in the live markets.

On the other hand, in the live markets the same changelog 2.119 seems to have content not mentioned here on Beta:

We moved 18 tutorial quests to an earlier or later point in the quest lines.
We have implemented new quests "Army Specialization" and "Maximize Buildings".

In addition, 3 of the 7 bugfixes mentioned in the live markets are not mentioned in the Beta changelog 2.119.

  • Incoming attacks weren't displayed correctly when casting purification on an attack with helmet of invisibility active.
  • Finishing some quests led to an internal error.
  • Opening some windows led to an empty screen or error message.
Could you please revise the Beta changelog accordingly, and could you please explain the tutorial changes in more detail?


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
The changelog is now correctly updated, thanks for reporting!

I don't have any particular info about new quests, you'll probably find them soon on live wiki.
So we are being asked for feedback about changes

- not mentioned in the Beta changelog 2.119 at all (at least not before you copied and pasted the "live" changelog 2.119 into the Beta forum some minutes ago)
- you have no info about and can provide none until they find their way into the live wikis some day?

And you told me some days ago that I was constructing non-existing problems concerning the new deployment system, didn´t you?^^


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
If for today (or for a few days, that's not the point) we don't have any new stuff to test, just play the game and have fun!

Sometimes happens to find bugs on old changes or when a player does some weird actions, so even if you just play normally it's ok for us, and should be fun for you (that's why you are still playing Grepolis, i guess).

And obviously, thanks for your feedback!
Of course we can stumble across old and new bugs any time in the game, and we need not play on Beta worlds to do so.

Playing on semi-active Beta worlds with only a few hundred co-players (and even less of them active, and not all of the active ones interested in bug-hunting and in defining and describing the steps necessary to reproduce bugs) is not as much fun as you might expect.

Over the years we have been struggling hard to get as complete Beta changelogs as possible, and to get them in time. Beta worlds are not only about bug-hunting - they are also our first point of contact with new features and new changes to old ones, and the first opportunity to comment on them. There were even several occasions where major (and unwanted) changes were hidden in a semi-sentence in the section "bugfixes" and we could help prevent the trouble they might have caused on live worlds by pointing them out before they could get there.

It is crucial that we can rely on Beta changelogs.

In the German forums we have been discussing the tutorial and its weeknesses since it was first implemented into the game. The Beta changelog did not even mention that 2.119 includes changes to the tutorial, and when we learned about these changes when the changelog was published on the live markets, we also learned that nobody can tell us what exactly has been changed and why.

I am sure that game designers and devs gave it some thought before changing the order of the quests and adding new ones, and could easily provide us with the information we are asking for. Most of the changes implemented into the game are only announced in a single sentence in the changelogs (if they are announced at all), and usually we have further questions regarding them. And too many of those questions remain unanswered. And that´s a pity for all players dedicated to Grepolis and interested in the development of the game.


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
We are doing our best, but if we don't have anything to post at the moment, I can't just write some random stuff by myself.

We give you info about the changelog, feel free to ask us more.
If we have something it will be provided for sure!

Thanks a lot for you passion and your effort you put on this beta project, I really appreciate!


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
I'm sorry but not every question can have a quick and satistfying answer.


Maybe it would be better to post a full changelog of all stuff, even though mentioned things haven't been implemented yet. Simply, do a changelog of all you expect that will be done and mark it there as done when it is released.


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
Maybe it would be better to post a full changelog of all stuff, even though mentioned things haven't been implemented yet. Simply, do a changelog of all you expect that will be done and mark it there as done when it is released.

It can be an idea, but usually is not a good practice to post thing that aren't at least 99.9% sure, or it will be an easy chance to someone to say something like "you promised that but you didn't make it happen!".


In my opinion, it's because these promises were given globally. However, this is the Beta market, so if some bold warnigs were in that changelog, it would work. Of course, I understand that you are afraid of giving promises. It led to distraction in the past.
There is no need to post content in advance - but the changelog should at least be complete(d) when the corresponding version is complete, and information about added content should be available as soon as this content has been implemented.

For version 2.119 we received a changelog summary that had nothing to do with the actual changelog, and altogether we received two fragments of content information (both on Tuesdays, accidentally or not). Version 2.119 should have been complete on Friday 12, 2016, and then, at the latest, also the changelog should have been complete and up-to-date. However, nobody took care of that task, and as a result we learned about the tutorial changes (whose logic and playability could have been easily tested on Beta) too late for those willing to take a closer look before the changes go live.

I am aware of the fact that the lack of information about 2.119 might be due to the change in Community Management and the time without a CM, and of course you are not to blame for that, * Arci *.

On the other hand, the changelog published for 2.120 so far looks even punier, with only two bugfixes posted on Tuesday (!) last week, and no content at all provided since then.
It´s Wednesday, and Version 2.120 should be complete within the next two days - and there is no content at all you can share with us? We have daily updates on Beta, but nothing has been updated?^^


I would really appreciate a return to the old updating system on Beta, when updates were implemented at a set and clearly defined date, and were accompanied by reliable changelog information we could work with.


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
Thanks for letting us know your thoughts about our new deployment system, but let me say that it's not strictly required to repeat it on every single post you write... we've got it! ;)

PS: News for today, yay!


Don´t worry, I won´t bother you any longer.

We announce..looking for you times new testers..have I can say on the live worlds there is enough of it..

Time to say Good Bye