Events Calendar


is there anyway that a TENATIVE beta events calendar be posted in the forum?

i think it would be nice to know what events are coming up for us in the beta worlds :) as with everything in the beta server it can be changed at any time.

also when will a Halloween event drop here or are we going to beta test it while it runs in the production worlds?


This is a good question.

The problem is, that Beta will always be testing environment and we cannot predict far into the future. Therefore we do not keep any detailed schedule except for regular updates. Any information about upcoming events can be always found on the starting page and forum.

I will let you know about the Haloween event.


also when will a Halloween event drop here or are we going to beta test it while it runs in the production worlds?

Every event will be beta tested, before it starts live.


i appreciate the replies. thank you. with all things development there must be a time table of some sort or a forum thread that you guys can make to tease us a little bit about any new ideas for events. we the beta players may even be able to give you guys decent feedback about your ideas for events like you give us for our suggestions :)