Elaborate desciptions of quest rewards effects


Upon activating the reward ACCELERATED CONSTRUCTION one would expect all currently queued constructions to speed up.
Personally I would also expect all buildings queued after that to be speed up for the duration of the effect.

Instead, constructions will only speed up if they have been queued AFTER the reward activation.

Same for ACCELERATED RECRUITMENT. Also, IMPROVED TROOP MOVEMENT should specify whether this includes units already travelling or just units launched after activation of this reward.


Please note that it is the same with well-known Call of the ocean and Population growth - they work only when units are send to the queue after using the spells. So these effects are consistent with the spells that all of us use from the very beginning.


I hear ya, loud and clear.
The thing is, even with CotO or PopGrowth, the description is unclear and potentially misleading. But we, the experienced players, know how it works. New players do not and are prone to experience disappointment.
These quest effects are new and share consistency with old spell effects but do not share consistency in language.

The description is fuzzy and cumbersome. Your mentioning of the inherent effect consistency with old spell effects brings no change to this.