Disbanding troops


When sufficient farm space is needed, player should be able to disband some of his troops, this way, he can have farm space in no time.

How is the idea?


This is a real oldschool evergreen that never ceases to amaze me.

It has often been suggested, by many people, and for many years.
It obviously makes all the sense in the world but noone has ever come up with a good, valid reason why it's not getting implemented.
All arguments against this suggestion followed strawman tactics or deployed radical conservatism. Never ever have I seen the other side come up with any good or intelligent arguments against this. They almost always only tried to counter the pro-arguments and no productive discussion ever ensued.
I understand mods and coders ducking away from the thought how this would rebalance the entire game and render so many strategies void. Also that they fear to lose many players tdue to this major revamp.
But why the con-disband faction is so irrational and emotional (and void of any good arguments).

Anyway, sadly enough I don't think you'll see any positive resonance resulting in changes or good discussions.