Disable Premium Purchase in the Beta Programme


I've noticed that some players have been making purchases of premium features despite this being a Beta test server. Complaints are then made when resets happen, or features do not work for the premium features. I find this rather extraordinary, and I would like to suggest that the purchase of Premium be disabled to prevent misunderstandings.

The normal process of making the purchase can still be in place to test the functionality of the screens and selections, but perhaps a redirect to an information screen can be made instead of the transaction going through?

We get a regular amount of gold to spend on the server to test the features required, but to spend real money, and then have the possibility of it going wrong needs to be realised by players on this server, or the ability disabled altogether.

I can't help notice that the number of players compared to the number of active forum goers is unbalanced, and maybe some players are here to play for real. It certainly seems that way with some of them, and for purchases to be made as well, kind of confirms this observation.


um how do you think they come up with the funds to reprogram and improve the game? obviously from those purchasing gold is a good part of that! So saying that no don't cancel there right to purchase premium