Contacting support


How do you contact support or report a problem on beta?
I have followed the route through settings ->support->log in and then it all falls down. It asks for ign and password for grepolis.en. Put in your details for beta and it fails to find you thus fails to log in. Try details for Alpha server=same problem...... and it also changes the uppercase letters to lowercase automatically which is a pain when you use upper case in your log in details.

Is there a work around or a screen I am not finding? Any help ?


Well, contacting support is one thing, getting an answer a completly different. 2 weeks now...


Well, contacting support is one thing, getting an answer a completly different. 2 weeks now...

There seems to be some technical issue. Regarding status overview there is only one ticket open and this is open for less than a day.

edit: All your tickets are in answered status. If you need additional support please reply to existing tickets or open a new one.
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All tickets sent to will be answered within two days maximum. If you are experiencing difficulties please attempt to raise another ticket that explains that you have a ticket already open that did not receive a reply. Please do no generate a second ticket simply explaining the problem again.


Just setting the status to answered without answering it is not really what I'd call an answered ticket.