city reservations


my alliance has pacts with other alliances but these alliances do not have a pact with each other. The problem is when 2 players reserve the same city the game only shows 1 player has reserved the city. Even though we have a pact with both players. When asked to clean the city, we can and have destroyed colony ships.


if the two alliances in question dont share reservations then they wont see each others reservations. therefore the city gets taken and your cs dies.


I share reservations with both alliances but only see 1 player has reserved city. 3 alliances, 2 enemies and 1 neutral, the neutral alliance only sees 1 reservation even if both enemy alliance have reserved the city


I think this will be more clear:

alliance A shares reservations with B
alliance A shares them with C
alliance B doesn't share them with C
player P from alliance B reserves city X (owned by player Q from alliance D, which is not connected to A, B or C by any means)
player R from alliance C reserves Q's city X
players from alliance A can't see both P's and R's reservation, they see only one from them
players from alliance A are confused
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Di Varane

I think this will be more clear:

alliance A shares reservations with B
alliance A shares them with C
alliance B doesn't share them with C
player P from alliance B reserves city X (owned by player Q from alliance D, which is not connected to A, B or C by any means)
player R from alliance C reserves Q's city X
players from alliance A can't see both P's and R's reservation, they see only one from them
players from alliance A are confused

Ok wait...ammm....i know how it works but...thats just to, yp.. I dont get it, yu bro you just burn my brains with it :)