Unconfirmed app - refresh


I cannot really consider these bugs, but sometimes the app doesn't refresh properly :
If I want to trade with one of my cities, and select the receiving one from the town list, it will load and display the former town I wanted to trade from. This did not happen last year tbh.

Same with heroes, at midnight we have to log out to see the new ones. It will never refresh by itself.

Let me know if I shall provide more details or if these are considered normal ways :)
there are two cases for this.....
first is network coverage....
second is app working time.

For coverage if it is very poor sometimes it takes ages to refresh.....

For second, if you start app and then minimize it for more than 30 minutes and you get app back to play but it starts form where you had stopped without restarting, then you might have those issues. I assume this is mostly OS issue as I have seen it on other apps too.... although if app is inactive for lets say 30 minutes, it should trigger it self to close.

So I would say first make sure that you have good network and then try to check after app restart so as to avoid app inactivity issues....