2.47 Update feedback

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Is the feedback suitable for you? Do you find the changes helpful? Please let us know in this thread.


problem with the intercity trade one player the quantities that can be set do not correspond to what there is available in the departure city
•Improved loading time;

Loading does not work at all in IE 8, although the problem has been marked as "fixed" in the bugtracker. In FF 23.0.1 loading takes longer than before. I see no improvement.

Town list has three columns again, hallelujah! But those columns contain only 14 cities now instead of 25. Not much of a problem, but the rows of 25 provided a better overview.


the update has led to more bug before, I list some one

problem with trade in a city town of the same player
problem with some islands quest
random problem when changing city
problem updating troops when an attack is launched
slower server


Would you be so kind to confirm the version, we are already having in Sandbox?
There are so many bugs are back, from the version dated Sep. 27, 2013.

Have I to report again every old bug, or do you used the old reports again.

Sorry, there is no fun, to send you the same bugs again and again. Please investigate how to test the next days and inform us, about the procedure we have to test and to report.
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