you are unacceptable


> Sandbox 3 (ID: zz3) συμμαχία ichor
κατασκευάσει το πρώτο
4-4 World Wonders
και ..
7-7 World Wonders

Hall of Fame
Παγκόσμια όνομα:
Sandbox 3 (Κλειστό)

άλλες συμμαχίες Γράφει ότι γουόν
μετά από αναφορές που έχουμε κάνει αφαίρεση μας, και το στέμμα του προφίλ μας
περιμένουμε εξηγήσεις





> Sandbox 3 (ID: zz3) ichor alliance
built the first

4-4 World Wonders
and ..
7-7 World Wonders

Hall of Fame
Global name:
Sandbox 3 (Closed)

other alliances writes that won
after reports that we have done our subtraction, and the crown of our profile
waiting explain


Divine Envoy
The Company just fooling us, I keep light from the awards in the world to have won and the manager answers accepting their mistake, and asks for time to correct course time passed and we simply removed and the crown !!! !!!! Nice job keep it up and your customers will appreciate.
The general problem is that the server zz3 has been used for more than one game world.

Before zz3 became "Sandbox 3", the server was used for "Warrior World". And indeed Warrior World on zz3 was won by Phoenix Reborn (Victor of the World), and Domination Complex (Master of the World).

When Warrior World was closed, a new game world "Sandbox 3" was opened on the same server zz3. Since the "Hall of Fame" entries are created automatically, you will now find a wild mixture of Warrior World and Sandbox 3 achievements and alliances in the Hall of Fame for server zz3.

There cannot be any doubt that the situation was as follows:

Server zz3, "Warrior World":

Victor of the World: Phoenix Reborn
Master of the World: Domination Complex

Server zz3, "Sandbox 3":

Victor of the World: ICHOR
Master of the World: ICHOR

I hope that someone will find the time and patience to change and revise the "Hall of Fame" information for those closed game worlds on zz3 manually, so that all the alliances mentioned will get the merits they have earned, especially ICHOR for their performance on Sandbox 3.


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
Draba has perfectly described the situation, thanks :)

I'm so sorry guys, I can try to ask again to change HoF behaviour a bit for this case but unfortunately I can't guaranty that it will be done.

Please remember that this is just a beta market made for testing purposes, not for winning servers or glory as you can do on live servers.

Please be patient and we'll do everything possible for you!


We show a subject with multi respect for you
simply the stroke and answers at the beginning and it was not very clear
I corrected your mistake ,now all we did was to change the profile of the players of ichor


Divine Envoy
I am happy that an opponent in the game, did that would make the company's developers, and has clarified the issue.
Let me see now, how you respect the money and the time we spent; to win something, now you tell us that we do not deserve.
Draba Aspera Respect!!!!!!!!!


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
Well, the same answer that Draba gabe now about zz3 resets was already been given a month ago when you spammed the support system with copy-pasted tickets.

I'll tell you once again, this is a beta market, stats here may be delated for testing purposes.
If you want to fight epic battles to write your name in the story of Grepolis, please, play on your local market.

I'm so sorry about your situation but I did everything in my possibilities.
Please remember that this is just a beta market made for testing purposes, not for winning servers or glory as you can do on live servers

I don´t completely agree with you, * Arci *. Yes, this is Beta, but as you wrote quite correctly, for InnoGames it is a Beta market with game worlds quite similar to those on live markets, and not only a sterile test environment. Over the years, there was only one V2 Beta game world closed prematurely (the disastrous "Rise of Heroes"^^); all other game worlds were offered and felt like normal game worlds with a higher bug risk. And, most important: The buying and using of gold is offered and encouraged just as it is on live worlds.

You cannot blame the players for expecting the same simple acknowledgement of their efforts, and I think this could be done without much fuss. A note could be added to the Hall of Fame entry (or the Hall of Fame entry could be replaced by that notes) acknowledging the performance of ICHOR on Sandbox 3 as well as the performance of Phoenix Reborn and Domination Complex on Warrior World, and I even think the devs could find a way to grant the crowns to the profiles of the ICHOR players concerned if a list of accounts is provided.

It is not their fault that zz3 was not reset correctly when Sandbox 3 started (there were further problems related to that fact, e.g. Sandbox 3 started with the era of wonders already reached, allegedly...^^), and I can understand that the ICHOR leaders are taking a stand for their disappointed members.


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
I can fully understand their point of view, but as I keep saying again and again we can't do much more than what we're doing.

This continuos blame won't change anything, I agree with you that those players deserve that crown, I asked if it was possible and the answer I've got is "no".

I'm so so sorry but we can't change this thing at the moment.

I explicitly asked to not reset zz3 in order to start a new fresh zz6 world, but developers decided to reset the old word, that's why I say that we don't have much to do, stats has already been reset.


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
So you are saying that the new Beta world opening soon will again be zz3, with all the known problems that might cause?

I'll keep asking for starting zz6 until possible, but most probably yes, that's why it has been reset.


Divine Envoy
I can fully understand their point of view, but as I keep saying again and again we can't do much more than what we're doing.

This continuos blame won't change anything, I agree with you that those players deserve that crown, I asked if it was possible and the answer I've got is "no".

I'm so so sorry but we can't change this thing at the moment.

I explicitly asked to not reset zz3 in order to start a new fresh zz6 world, but developers decided to reset the old word, that's why I say that we don't have much to do, stats has already been reset.

Hi, if I understand correctly, in violation of the rules of the game, you can not do something, and of course the time and money we spent was to test you on your game properly;
I do not think it is accepted that, to know that regardless of the consequences, I upload to internet all the photos from my conversations with the company, they accept their mistake and will bring a justice and for cheating.
and one last thing, we crown and other server, but here the question is, how clearly do not respect us and will do great damage to the company and to the posterity, will see it.


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
Just go to the homepage of this market, you will read as follow:


I try to help you, but you can't say that you didn't know that you were playing on a beta market and that you stats may be delated.

You're not forced to spend money, I remind you that the game is free-to-play.


Divine Envoy
Beware! This is the Public Beta Market of Grepolis.
Beta worlds are not normal game worlds. Progress on beta worlds can be reset at any time. We provide notice in advance to let players know when this will occur.

If it want to justify your behavior then do it right, I suggest you the following:
Beware! This is the Public Beta Market of Grepolis.
Beta worlds are not normal game worlds. Progress on beta worlds can be reset at any time. We provide notice in advance to let players know when this will occur.
You can win a world but to see as winners another alliance simply because so like us, also as a company not known for the attention we give to our customers if you do not agree with our above are indifferent.
Finally if you still want to play our game do it. After price managers !!!!!!!!!


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
Thanks for the suggestion, if you think that the red warning on the homepage is not enought i'll write a note when I'll announce the next world.

If I'll forget it please let me know and I'll do it asap.


here why not have the alliances who won the world before restart to begin the
BPV Test (ID: zz5)????

is not that right? The world has already been won by some alliance
mislead us in order to stay to do the game with World Wonders
and tell
sorry has won another alliance;
you are serious company ????

to make a communication to all worlds Beta and any new world Beta to have information that and make World Wonders it exists another alliance that has won

so are the serious companies that respect their customers


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
BPV is a new world that has never been reset, where is the problem?