Fixed Wrong Laurels


Sandbox 2

Bei mir ist defintiv was faul.
Ich habe jetzt zweimal teilgenommen.
Beim ersten Mal 35,35 sec , erhalten habe ich 40 Laurels. So weit so gut.

Jetzt eben 154,86 sec, bin momentan auf Platz eins und hätte laut Wiki 70 Laurels bekommen müssen. Erhalten habe ich aber nur wieder 40. Beide Versuche zusammen also 80 statt 110 Laurels.

For me, definitely something lazy.
I participated twice now.
The first time 35.35 sec, I received 40 Laurels. So far so good.

Now just 154.86 sec, I'm currently in first place and would have to get 70 Laurels, according to Wiki. But I only got 40 again. Both attempts together 80 instead of 110 Laurels.

Last edited:


for me in Sandbox8
96.97 - 40 l against 60 in Wiki
130.42 - 40 against 65 in Wiki

I think we have 40 laurels allways
I can confirm that we receive 40 laurels each time instead of the correct number as stated in the wiki. We had that bug before in another event of this type.

Furthermore, the alliance rewards stated in-game differ from the ones stated in the wiki. (That bug was already reported in the German forums, here for info only). According to Faey the rewards stated in-game are incorrect, the ones stated in the wiki are correct. She has already forwarded it to the devs.


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
Thank you for the report, indeed we're facing a bug, I'm gonna forward it :)


in the mrning it seemed all right, but after event restart...
49.55=40 laulers (50 in the wiki)


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
All the laurels have been refunded, please contact us via our support system if you spent any gold during the event :)