"with merchant"


on wood, rock, silver buttons, i have two questions:
1- when you click you see "yield" & "with merchant" and the production is bigger on the right column. what does it mean?

2- there are minus and plus signs, but the production is the same. how these signs modify the production rate ?



1 - Yeild means what you produce at those levels soley from those mines with no assistance. Merchant means when you have gold you can hire the merchant and he will increase you harvesting amounts on all 3 resources. Gold costs money similar to premium points on Tribal Wars. So it's a bonus when you get your merchant. Along with any other special characters (Administrator, Merchant, Commander, Preistess and Captain) whos icons are located to the bottom left of your screen.

2 - Plus (+) means that your location is in high of that resource and so producttion is increased. With the Minus (-) it means your location has less and your harvesting of that resource is decreased due to the small amount there.
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1 - premium - with merchant (i have the answer, thx)

2 - the production rate are the same with or without "+" & "-". it's why i don't understand


2 - You could have a level 2 wood (-) and have a level 1 stone (nothing) and will produce the same amount.

A level 3 Silver Mine (-) and a level 1 Wood (+) will produce the same resources.

Correct me if I am wrong. But (-) Slows down harvesting due to less of the specific resources and the (+) will due to the extra amounts of the resource and more to harvest of it. (Sorry if I repeat myself.)


The (+) and (-) only come into effect at mines/camps/quarries of level 20 or higher.

A level 20 mine will produce either 5, 9 or 12 resources an hour more than a level 19 mine depending on whether it is (-), normal or (+).
Level 21 mines will produce 7, 9 or 12 extra resources an hour.