Update 2.62


New Features/Changes

- Adjusted the tutorial quest arrows and adapted the guidance to the new full screen town overview


- A wrong error message was show when trying to cast multiple negative spells on speed 3 worlds
- There was no guidance for the quest asking players to assign a hero
- The attack warning didn't disappear after cancelling an attack order from a city during occupation
- Building orders were not completed correctly when keeping the confirmation window for time reduction or order cancellation open
- "Level" in the "Train your hero!" window was not localized
- It was possible to tear down the farm or reset the research plow if population is negative or would become negative
- Siege information window wasn't disappearing when a siege is canceled
- When not having the administrator active and trying to activate the "All" city group, an internal error was occurring
- When having the thermal baths built, a corner of the academy was covered in the new town overview
- There was a white pixel over the agora in the new town overview
- It was possible to continue halving the building construction time when remaining time was 00h 00m 00s
- The animation for the olympic games were misplaced on the new town overview
- % character was missing in the error message when trying to trade with mood below 80%
- It was possible to provoke an attack from an Island Quest while a city is under siege
- The mini-map in the User Interface was not showing completely the ocean number
- The confirmation pop-up for gold spending was showing wrong information when trying to use the build time reduction without having enough gold
- The quest arrows were displayed under the notepad icon when pointing on the city view button
- When you click the cancel icon from a building in the construction queue, a wrong error message was displayed when the cancellation was confirmed after the building order has been finished