Update 2.60



- Fullscreen city overview will be activated on all live markets. (This activation is depending on the current beta testing!)

Relevant for beta only:
- The "Go to" function has been replaced by the "Select town" function in corresponding radial menus.
- Building construction progress bar overlay is now also shown when building mode is not active.
- Upgrade levels are now shown on all constructions in the queue.

- Returning transport ships of a besieged city do not simply vanish anymore but generate a battle report instead which states the loss of these units.
- Report filters no longer disappear when moving reports to custom folders.
- The effect Lost Loyalty is now named properly in all places.
- The alliance overview will no longer be highlighted when another tab has been selected.
- Players are now properly displayed as offline in the chat when they are not online.
- Heroes now get unassigned properly when their assigned city is under siege.
- Pressing the Enter key in an alliance forum survey does not cause internal errors anymore.
- The conquer image has been added to conquest attacks again.

Relevant for beta only:
- Finished construction commands will now properly disappear from the construction queue.
- Special building labels are now only shown in construction mode.
- The graphics for Divine Statue are now displayed properly.
- Minor text improvements in the new fullscreen city overview.
- The city overview button has been removed from radial menus when already in the city view of that town.
- The new construction queue is no longer showing wrong levels of upgrades/demolitions.
- Icons of special buildings are now greyed out when requirements are not met.
- The options for special buildings are no longer transparent in construction mode.